View Full Version : Have you ever tried to explain Pet Talk?

03-10-2006, 11:59 AM
I found myself explaining to a dear friend, Pet of The Day. The conversation started because I was telling her about the So. Ca. Picnic to welcome Cincy's Mom.

I tried to keep it fairly serious and explain the many benefits of the forum and how wonderful people can be about offering advice or tips on animal care.

But she couldn't get over the fact that I was willing to hold a BBQ for a lot of people that I had never met. And she was dumbfounded when I told her Slick had flown in from Canada to attend a weekend picnic.

So you can imagine - I never even mentioned Thursdays in the Dog House.
And what would she think if she knew that I just called T & P's Mom Turkey Lips?? :eek: :D

03-10-2006, 12:06 PM
haha so much!!!! but i ended telling them its a place i can talk about pets, so they can get an idea, if i try to profundize and tell the real deal i get the ??? face, LOL so i think only you here understand what PT really is and thats all that matters to me, my hubby knows it as the place about dogs LOL anyway I LOVE IT HERE

03-10-2006, 12:09 PM
I have very few friends up here and none of them know about Pet Talk. Heck, even my Mom doesn't even know about Pet Talk.

Pet Talk is my little secret hide-a-way that I keep private from everyone I know up here. They just wouldn't understand so why bother trying to explain?? So Gini, what year was it again that you moved from BC to California?? ;) :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-10-2006, 12:27 PM
Actually, I was having my hair done last night and we were discussing cats because my hair dresser's cat is sick. She told me I'm her official cat expert and when the cat is having problems she can't wait for my appointment to ask me what to do. I almost started explaining PT, but she's not a big computer person so I knew she wouldn't understand, so I just skipped it. ;)

The only people who would understand are people who've been involved in a similar online community. I know I was familiar because of all the Corvette friends we made online, and now all the motorhome friends we're making online, and of course because of all the PT friends we've made online.

One of our motorhome friends live near Sara so we visited them when we were in town for last year's BBQ. They kind of understood, but they couldn't quite get why I would want to hang out with "a bunch of crazy cat people." Hmmmmm.....they have two dogs....maybe if I tell them that "crazy dog people" hang out here too....... ;) :D

03-10-2006, 12:33 PM
I tell people at work..and they really don't understand. They're like..."so...you meet people you don't even know?" And once I told my doctor I was going to Flordia and Utah...and he was like "oh, you're going to visit relatives?" So I explained it to him and he was like "Oh...are you SURE she is not really a man? Some pervert? You know these things do happen..." (this was even after I told him I had already met Kay the year before...)

03-10-2006, 12:45 PM
Interesting thread.
Strangely, I never tried to explain PT and I very rarely mention it. My best friends (not all are pet lovers) and family don't know about it.

Once, I mentioned PT to the people at the shelter where I help and I only said it was a discussion forum about animals, that you could post pics of your furry kids and tell about almost everything else you want.
Although they are great cat lovers and they spend time, money, holiday time, etc...to rescue cats, they are not Internet people, and they also don't speak English well enough to easily chat. When I saw they were not really interested I did not insist.

If someone would have told me about PT, I have the feeling I would not have understood or I would not have been interested as well. Perhaps the thing is that you have to discover it by yourself... ;)

03-10-2006, 01:15 PM
Ever since I joined Pt, I have learned so much. People and freinds are amazed beacuse of my age and wonder where i get all the information. I try to tell them and it doesn't work very well. They pretty much get angry.my mom now understands, i am working on my dad now. :p ;) :D

03-10-2006, 01:26 PM
I learned to keep quiet, too many :confused: people... When people ask what I do at home I say I chat on forums, & create my own websites...

However my dad thought it was really cool, that I met someone from PT in PEI, hes the only person that understands, or atleast pretends too.

03-10-2006, 01:45 PM
Oh yes everyone i know is told about how wonderful PT is, of course they think I have become a bit nutty these days, but i don't care,now when i tell them how Lisa helped me with the donation to spay my neighbours cats and that one PT member adopted a cat from USA to England, they look at me in dis-believe and in aw, they just find it hard to believe that people can be so wonderful.

It is not often you find the jewel in your life, something as precious and rare as PT. :)

Anita Cholaine
03-10-2006, 01:47 PM
I tried to talk to my friends about PT, but they think it's just an internet forum, where you just talk to people... They can't understand why do I call it a 'family'. Even my best friend, who has two dogs and absolutely loves animals, doesn't understand me. I'm sure she would love it here, but her english is not too good...

I don't think you can understand what PT is if you're not in it......

03-10-2006, 01:57 PM
YES! My parents seem to think it's stupid. :rolleyes: I've talked to people into joining. Jenna(i_luv_rusty) and Rachel (Orlando's_girl) so they understand.

03-10-2006, 02:05 PM
Ha...I rarely tell people, it took a long time for me to actually tell my parents! None of my friends know about it, and I like it that way!!

03-10-2006, 02:13 PM
I don't talk to my friends about my online life. Most of them are weird about that kind of stuff. But I do tell my parents about different things about Pet Talk so they sort of "know" it as well as Border Collie Rescue board I'm on.

03-10-2006, 02:19 PM
Slick, if even your Mom doesn't know - how on earth did you ever explain the ~ ahem ~ interesting Christmas presents you bought me while she was with you :eek: Did you say you were buying them for Santa ;) :p :D Some people know I am part of an "animal support group" [sounds a bit more grown up doesn't it ;) ] My family knows all about it and DIL even came with me to a PT'ers meeting in PA. They do roll their eyes when I mention something funny that happened at Thursdays but....

03-10-2006, 02:19 PM
I tell people about it all the time.

On Thursday nights after bell choir rehearsal at church, we have a brief closing prayer and my friend Harry usually turns to me first and says, "Okay, whose cat or what member of your crazy "family" are we praying for this week?" Everyone who knows me pretty much knows about the websites and Pet Talk!

03-10-2006, 02:29 PM
Only my sister really understands because she belongs to a pug forum and is just as crazy about her dogs as I am about my crew.

People at work think it's great that I've found people to relate to........they think I'm kinda strange because I don't have a lot of friends. Most other people I try to tell, just look at me with a blank expression.

This is my family.

03-10-2006, 02:36 PM
Slick, if even your Mom doesn't know - how on earth did you ever explain the ~ ahem ~ interesting Christmas presents you bought me while she was with you Did you say you were buying them for Santa
:D :D I met you through Gini which really isn't that far off the mark.

Daisy and Delilah
03-10-2006, 04:42 PM
What a great thread this is!! Everytime something has come up that's PT related, I have started to explain myself. At that point, I always get looks from anybody and everybody that I have three heads. All these people(including my whole family)think I'm crazy when I bring it up. I've learned to be happy with PT all by myself and bring it up only when necessary. No one can understand why I would want to associate with strangers I've met on the Internet ;)

03-10-2006, 04:53 PM
I told my mom, and shes always asking me if I told PT this, or that...like if something happy happened to the dogs, cat, or hamster :p

03-10-2006, 05:18 PM
:) Oh yes all the time I am telling someone about Pet Talk & how to get on & ect.. Of course it leads into explaining all about it..

03-10-2006, 05:45 PM
All my friends think I'm weird when I tell them about it. They don't share my total love for animals as I do.

03-10-2006, 06:10 PM
Yeah Slick, blame it on Gini! If I remember correctly you and I met first in Seattle, before you went to the BBQ. That's OK.. Gini's easy to blame stuff on ;) :D NO, WAIT! It's all Mario's fault!! Now I remember! You and Mario and me.. *oh, nevermind - " ;)

03-10-2006, 06:37 PM
Just work with me on this, OK Laurie??? Mom didn't even know I went down that weekend. As for the Customs Occifer....yes sir, I'm going to meet a friend in Seattle. How long have I known her? Well, about 4 years. :o

Like I would tell him the truth about meeting you over the Net a couple of months before. :rolleyes: :D

03-10-2006, 06:51 PM
I rest my case...........Have you ever tried to explain Pet Talk?? :eek: :D :D

03-10-2006, 07:24 PM
SPLAIN THIS OCCIFER!! I'm meeting a dear friend I've never "met" and bringing illigal crabmeat from the Chesapeake Bay and THIS IS NOT PRODUCE, dude. It's allowed. So is Bailey's. And so is ~ whatever we find whilst there :o Some people even fly in Mario :rolleyes: or his clonefriend.

03-10-2006, 09:03 PM
I haven't tried to explain pet talk to too many people. I mentioned to one of my best friend's from high school that I was going to California for work, and decided to go out early to meet people I only new online she was concerned. I sort of explained it away by explaing Staci (shais_mom) had met them all before, and Staci and I worked together at Sears...known her for years. Mostly true. We worked at the same Sears store, at the same time, and knew some of the same people. We didn't really meet in person until our first Pet Talk meeting at the dog park...Close enough!!! As for my co-workers that were also going to California, I just said I was going early to spend some time with friends and left it at that.

As for family, we did have to explain some last summer when my brother died. While I'm not sure if they really understood, but they were all impressed by Phred's willingness to drive 3 hours and help with 8 dogs he had met a few times, and with the tree donation and poem from people we met online.

Laura's Babies
03-10-2006, 10:15 PM
I only discuss PT with people I know are pet lovers. ALL of my family knows about it, my brother even emailed me pictures a long time ago to put on here. He loved the idea of people he didn't know, admiring his kitties.

03-11-2006, 12:43 AM
Yes, I've tried to explain it to a few people and some get it and some think I'm crazy. My parents are now beginning to understand it more since I've been doing the Christmas card exchange for the last 4 years and also attending the annual PT LA BBQ for the last 3 years. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-11-2006, 04:14 AM
My friends and family know I am member of a "pet-lovers-group", but that's about it. I always gets lots of :confused: faces when people notice all the X-mas cards on my wall ;) :p
My sis-in-law Liliane loves all pets too, and cats in particular, but she only speaks Dutch and a tiny bit of French... :( . That is mainly the reason why I am the only Belgian member here; English is the 3rd language here: lots of people understand it, but never enough to start chatting in English :rolleyes: :( . Sooooooooooooo, that is why I just HAVE TO be such a blabbermouth: I represent a whole country :D ;) :D

03-11-2006, 07:46 AM
I must say my close friends, a few co workers and my mom know about PT. I must have done a pretty good job at explaining it because I never get any weird looks from them (but I'm not really sure they understand though). Besides everyone knows just how crazy I am about my dogs:o

If someone would have told me about PT, I have the feeling I would not have understood or I would not have been interested as well. Perhaps the thing is that you have to discover it by yourself... ;)
I couldn't agree with that more!

03-11-2006, 07:52 AM
Really only my immediate family knows about PT and they all think it's a pretty neat place. My hubby has trouble sometimes keeping everyone matched up with their pets but he is getting better. He and my son both belong to a couple of car forums so they have online friends as well, although nothing like the friends I have. :) My daughter has been drawn in and is a PTer too so she understands this place. :)

If I were to tell my co-workers they wouldn't understand and think I was dealing with some internet Kooks. haha! I guess I am an internet Kook. :p

03-11-2006, 08:29 AM
Yes, I have tried to explain PT - but only a very few times because of that :confused: face. Years ago, I tried to explain PT to several cat loving people from work, but they also gave me the face.

But - by now, it all seems very normal to me and of course it IS normal.....for some folks. "Internet KOOK" - :) Pam.

As for my family, many of them are also PetTalkers (sirrahned, sirrahsim, sirrahved, chrangharris and persianmom)

I have met PT'ers in person quite a few times now and they are my friends. I don't think I would ever meet "strangers" except for my animal loving friends....but then, this is really the only place I come to regularly now. I relate the best to animals loving people....All of my daughters use the internet often to "chat" with other young married women in wife and mommy forums. I have used the internet to make friends for as long as I have had a computer - about fifteen years now, and still stay in contact with the very first buddy I made those years ago :D :D

03-11-2006, 09:48 AM
I tell people about it all the time.

On Thursday nights after bell choir rehearsal at church, we have a brief closing prayer and my friend Harry usually turns to me first and says, "Okay, whose cat or what member of your crazy "family" are we praying for this week?" Everyone who knows me pretty much knows about the websites and Pet Talk!

How appropriate.

Thursday night church visits.

After what goes on Thursday during the day, it's nice to know someone is praying for us!

03-11-2006, 12:30 PM
:D :D "Internet Kooks", well - I've been called worse. My son and DIL are just glad I have finally found some "crazies" that I've become close to, and that they have met and trust. What's not to like about people that sniff their dogs feet to check if they smell like fritoes?? :confused: ;)

03-11-2006, 12:32 PM
:D :D "Internet Kooks", well - I've been called worse. My son and DIL are just glad I have finally found some "crazies" that I've become close to, and that they have met and trust. What's not to like about people that sniff their dogs feet to check if they smell like fritoes?? :confused: ;)
Haha! I sniff Lily's feet at least once a day :o

03-11-2006, 05:54 PM
I try SO hard to explain PT. Know what I get??

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

03-12-2006, 12:42 AM
I try SO hard to explain PT. Know what I get??

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

and the satisfaction of knowing a great bunch of people?

03-12-2006, 11:52 AM
After what goes on Thursday during the day, it's nice to know someone is praying for us!

Amen to that!!!


and the satisfaction of knowing a great bunch of people?


03-12-2006, 03:19 PM
Some people know and understand.
And with others- I run into strange questions. I was in London ten days for work:
"What are you doing for the weekend?"
"Well I go to Scotland to visit friends."
"Oh that's great! Are they German?"
"no, Scottish"
Thinking: Oh please don't ask where I met them :D

Killearn Kitties
03-13-2006, 08:54 AM
Like you, Gini, if I'm forced to mention it, I try to keep the explanations to health advice/exchange of information etc. It's funny, because I used to tell anyone who would listen about Cat of the Day. I suppose now that I have joined the forum, I don't want anybody noticing how much time I can actually spend on here! :D

I have NEVER told ANYBODY that I occasionally frequent a cyber bar.

This reminds me of the time you found yourself saying "oh I must remember to send off Rascal's passport photo for the cruise". :D

Edwina's Secretary
03-13-2006, 09:19 PM
Imagine trying to explain PT AND that your cat is known for the hats she wears..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

03-13-2006, 09:46 PM
Imagine trying to explain PT AND that your cat is known for the hats she wears..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

Well, I would find it perfectly reasonable!! :) :)

02-04-2009, 09:46 AM
LOL! :D This evening, I intend to tell some people I've never met before, about PT! :eek: I'll probably describe it as a Forum for animal lovers exchanging health advice/posting stories and pictures. They ARE all catlovers! :)

My family and closest friends all know I spend a lot of time on PT, and most of them don't think I'm that nutty. :p They were actually very impressed that I went to a BBQ in CA.

02-04-2009, 11:38 AM
Hee hee - good luck, and feel free to give any of us as character references!

02-04-2009, 12:21 PM
This is funny. Because I refer to PT as "my website". So people think I started it. NO NO NO!!! It's just a site I go to all the time. Oops. I definitely can't take credit for this wonderful forum. :D

02-04-2009, 12:46 PM
An American co-worker asked before the inauguration whether I am excited. I said: "Soso, but the kitties are on their way there with an eco-friendly catmobile and they worried all the time what to wear. After all they are going to represent Germany.":rolleyes:

I have no idea what she thought :D

02-04-2009, 01:52 PM
*giggle* This thread made me smile when I saw it had resurfaced this morning. I'll never forget the time we were at your place Gini, and people walked by your house and asked "What's a Pet Talker?" when they saw that big sign hanging up. LOL That was priceless.

For me, trying to explain Pet Talk is like someone trying to explain AJAX to a non-techie person. They just don't get it. However, my pet friends do get it and if they seem interested, I point them to this forum so they can take a peek themselves. :) There are so many great people in this forum and I have made such wonderful friends here...many of which are now friends in real-life. That is a great gift. :)

02-04-2009, 02:04 PM
I talk about PT with my wife but usually only get an uh-huh. She doesn't understand so I don't push it. I am fairly new to PT and have found my home. I love that this is an age-less , border-less forum for people that love their pets.

Will someone explain "Thursday":confused:

02-04-2009, 02:09 PM
Ha...I rarely tell people, it took a long time for me to actually tell my parents! None of my friends know about it, and I like it that way!!

Hehe, I like this thread. In 2006 I said that none of my friends knew. Now I've fully embraced my addiction and love for PT. I rarely tell people, but if they see me on my computer and ask what I'm doing I'll try to explain. Most don't really get it. When Findlay meeting time comes around and I tell people I'm going to Ohio to meet people at a dog park they think I'm crazy. I love it!

My boyfriend actually embraces PT. It's funny. Sometimes we'll do something, or I'll take pictures of something or something funny will happen and he's like, you should share on Pet Talk! And he's excited to go to a PT meeting!

02-04-2009, 02:42 PM
I talk about PT with my wife but usually only get an uh-huh. She doesn't understand so I don't push it. I am fairly new to PT and have found my home. I love that this is an age-less , border-less forum for people that love their pets.

Will someone explain "Thursday":confused:

"Thursdays" is our imaginary "cyber" bar - where people can go, try the "drink of the week, share food, laughs and generally hang out. The great part is that it is all virtual - so the food and drinks have no calories, no harmful effects, and no allergens! :)

Price of admission is one joke, told the first time you post in a "thursdays" thread, otherwise, everyone is welcome.

02-04-2009, 04:48 PM
originally posted by Karen
"Thursdays" is our imaginary "cyber" bar - where people can go, try the "drink of the week, share food, laughs and generally hang out. The great part is that it is all virtual - so the food and drinks have no calories, no harmful effects, and no allergens!

Harmful effects and allergens I can do without, on the other hand
I need the calories. :D

I'll check Thursday out, thanks. I'm still trying to pickup on all the different nuances of PT

02-04-2009, 11:04 PM
My boyfriend actually embraces PT. It's funny. Sometimes we'll do something, or I'll take pictures of something or something funny will happen and he's like, you should share on Pet Talk! And he's excited to go to a PT meeting!

LOL! That's Andy's answer for everything. "You should ask PT" or "You should post that on PT". :cool:

02-05-2009, 08:09 AM
I was forced to explain my internet friends to my parents when I announced that Helen and I were taking a trip to Massachusetts to spend time with two good friends of mine. My mother was so worried. Now she asks how they are doing all the time! And of my 5 "best" friends, who I met on Pet Talk, I have now met all but one in person! And many other good friends at PT have come to visit me! Hubby didn't understand at first, but he does now, and like my mom, he embraces my friendships all over the world. :) :) What a wonderful thing for all of us!

Laura's Babies
02-05-2009, 09:38 AM
I want to add also that when Eddie was in the hospital for so long, whenever he got a get well card from someone he didn't know, he would always ask if that was from some of "Mom's friends". He couldn't understand the concept of strangers sending him get well cards but he LOVED it and looked forwards to the next one.

People may look at us like we are wierd when we talk about "friends" we have never actually met but we know what it is and how wonderful PT'ers are. I have told the Lucky & Louie story so many times and how PT stepped up and helped save their lives and how they evenutally ended up in a great home so far away with a PT'er.. THAT always gets their attention and a "WOW!".. They understand then that we are not a bunch of "flaked" crazy people but share a wonderful community.

Pinot's Mom
02-05-2009, 11:50 AM
I just saw this thread and wasn't a PTer in 2006 so I thought I'd put in my two cents! I'm a relative newbie myself.

I was introduced to the site by a fellow choir member who does not chat, she just checks in on the cat of the day. The addiction has come to me on my own; my husband is fully aware, and we discuss where the kitties are going next in the Catmobile on the ride home from work (we ride together; work in different places, but it make sense to ride together). I knew some of you had met and visited; I'm sure I don't know the extent. I had not heard about "Thursdays" (why didn't anyone say anything about Thursdays? Pinot IS the party kitty of the Catmobile! Edwina may be the fashionista, but, you know...). My husband would never be caught on the site, and he thinks I'm slightly nutty, but that's nothing new.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I really appreciate the site; some people aren't as "into" cats (or pets in general) and don't understand those of us who can't talk about them enough! :) I'm very glad I stumbled on this, and thanks for the welcoming environment (and all the excursions, past, present & to come, in the Catmobile!). It's a great community. :D

02-05-2009, 12:46 PM
I've been a member since 2002 and I've never tried to explain PT to anyone I know locally, including family, friends and coworkers. I'm sorry, but they just wouldn't "get it." The biggest challenge for me was in 2004 when I wanted to go to Gini's for her 2nd BBQ. How was I going to "splain" it to my Mom? "Gee, I'm flying to LA to stay in a strange city and meet strangers for a BBQ at another strangers house. Oh yes, and I met them on the internet." :eek: Mom would have a heart attack....so I had to lie. I know, I know, God will get me for that and I'm still waiting for it to bite me in the butt.

So now, years later and now that my Mom has met Gini, it's all good....and we even kept our stories straight.:o

03-14-2009, 10:47 AM
LOL! It's so funny reading your replies. :D When I mention PT, I do it only to people I like, and I explain about the good advice, funny pictures and stories they could be part of - I even send a few good links. ;) At the moment, I'm working on getting more from the cat-sitting exchange group to join. Two have already joined! :)

Daisy and Delilah
03-14-2009, 12:38 PM
It's time for another comment from me. Three years later......nothing has changed. Everybody I know still thinks I'm crazy. If I repeat something I've heard here, I see those sideways glances and people trying to humor me by acting like they're listening.

My daughter has talked to Karen after one of my surgeries so she knows it's real. However, she still seems to "drift away" during a PT story.

I went to the doctor yesterday and I mentioned something health related I read here. He said, "You didn't get that from the internet did you?" He was smiling like he thought I needed help. He told me not to believe anything I hear from strangers. Aye yi yi!!

It's so funny to watch the reactions but annoying that no one thinks it's a real thing with real people.:rolleyes:

03-14-2009, 01:02 PM
No - not really. PT is my "other family" that's here if I need to get away from the one I have here, so I don't really say too much about it. My son knows it's a forum I belong to, and being the big protective guy that he is of his little Mom, he's always telling me "be careful of what you say to people you don't know". Yikes - he should take a look at The Dog House!!! :eek:

03-14-2009, 01:20 PM
When I held the second PT BBQ, I invited some non-Pet Talk friends. I was foolishly thinking that they knew me well enough to understand. After all, my three cats had been shedding their fur all over them for several years.

A couple I invited had to leave early to meet another couple to attend a concert.

The following week I saw the husband of the "other couple" and he said to me........."so I understand that you had a BBQ at your home for a bunch of people that you have never met and they even stayed at your home."

Inside I was dying of laughter - but I said with a straight face........"yes, I did." He didn't say one more word.;)

I still chuckle over that one.

And Slick, you think it was easy for me to deal with your wonderful Mom
and keep the story straight huh? Well, I tried to hold up my end of the story - but it wasn't that easy.:D:love:

03-14-2009, 05:46 PM
It's time for another comment from me. Three years later......nothing has changed. Everybody I know still thinks I'm crazy. If I repeat something I've heard here, I see those sideways glances and people trying to humor me by acting like they're listening.

Same here.:rolleyes: No matter how many times I mention PT to any
friends or family, they soon get the strangest look on their faces. I'm sure
they think I'm a little bit crazy, but they want to humor me.:)