View Full Version : I'm So Proud!

03-09-2006, 10:00 PM
Today I came home from work to find our front door open, and all but one cat outside roaming the front yard. Double-Oh, Nicole and Sora were all out. Nicole just kind of walked up and said, "hey whats up mom I'm hungry", Sora just turned around and walked back inside like "aww MAN!!". Double-Oh tried to run.. which really scared me, because he didn't have his collar on since we gave him a bath the other night and took it off... :(

But as I pulled up, I saw a nose sticking out from the crack in the door. As I got out of the car, the nose started to "wag" back and forth (if Aussies only had tails!!) but not once did it try to push the door open to run outside like the naughty kitties did!!

I walked up to the door to greet Jamie. Eventhough the kitties escaped into the front yard, Jamie stood at the door like a good girl and DID NOT go outside, eventhough nobody was there to tell her no!!

I've been working with her lately to "wait" before going in or out of the house, and she won't go in or out now without a command (well, she'll go out the back door but that's because that's the "potty" door not the "go for a ride" door ;)).

I rounded up all the kids though and all are accounted for. Naughty Double-Oh though tried running and nearly scared me... I don't want him to get a taste for the outdoors.. now he will try to bolt every time the door is open :(

03-09-2006, 10:26 PM
Wow Jessika,
You have 3 kittys and 2 Aussies. That sounds like a busy household! Do you live a single family residence or apartment? Whichever - I guess pets are the norm. It's funny how sometimes when you are trying to gate, fence or lock up your animals, they try every trick in the book to get out, in or just somewhere they are not supposed to be. But when they have a wide open door, they just hang around! Mine have done that too. Last month (or whenever the Superbowl was), we walked up to neighbors to watch the game. We took our dogs with us to visit for a while and at halftime, I brought them home. I was in a hurry and let them out into the backyard to do their business and gathered them back in and locked up and left. Or so I thought. I guess I left the mudroom door (basement) wide open and the downstairs hallway door slightly ajar. We watched the game and after our team (the Steelers won), we celebrated a little bit and then came home. Now the dogs did wander down the stairs and yes, out the mudroom door. But when we came home, they were in the front yard, totally loose just running and playing merrily!!!

03-09-2006, 10:36 PM
Isn't that funny how it happens! I was so terrified of my animals getting loose, yet the very few times they do.. they just hang out in the front yard in the flower bed. Haha.

Well right now I'm at my parents' and they have three cats (well, my parents' have one, my sister has one, and my other sister has one). I have two Aussies and one cat. One Aussie isn't here though, he's with his dad four hours away in our apartment that I will be moving into this weekend! :)

03-09-2006, 10:40 PM
Wonderful!!! Sounds like an exciting time for you! :) Good luck on the move and keep everyone posted! :D

03-09-2006, 10:46 PM
I hope she got extra treats for being SUCH a good girl!!!! :)

03-10-2006, 07:59 AM
What a good girl Jamie is!

That happened here once a few years ago. Bitsy and Charlie got out, but none of the cats or Buster left the house (it was before we had Nacey and Nova). Bitsy and Charlie stayed on the porch though. My neighbor who is in her 80's found them on my porch and took them into her house. She called me to let me know what happened, Justin was closer to home though so I called him and he went home.

03-10-2006, 08:13 AM
That's fantastic Jessika! Makes you feel good when you know they've learned something:D

I remember many years ago when we had Angus & Keisha the front gate blew open while I was mowing the yard. When I got back around to the back yard my heart leapt into my throat because I knew they both would be gone...but Nope! They were just laying there enjoying the day! Made me feel good too.

03-10-2006, 09:11 AM
Way to go, Jessika! Your hard work is paying off. We are so proud of Jamie. Good girl! Give her a big hug from me, please!

03-10-2006, 09:14 AM
I knew jamie was a good girl! Give her a big hug for me. Good luck moving!

03-10-2006, 11:33 AM
Thanks everybody! She did, indeed, get LOTS of treats and belly rubs when I rounded up all the cats and finally got into the house :D :D