View Full Version : I need PT PRAYERS for BRODIE!!! *FINALLY MONDAY*

03-09-2006, 02:34 PM
Please Please Please Pray for Brodie today. And for me to be strong.

As you all know, Brodie was diagnosed with allergies to his food a few weeks ago. He has gotten worse though and has started throwing up his water too.

I called the vet today and she said that him throwing up water is not a good sign and he has an appointment at 4.

I am so afraid that something is bad wrong with him. There were 4 piles of vomit in the floor this morning consisting of food & water. He's never been so bad.

He's my baby, just barely a year old. Please pray that we can find out what's wrong with him and get him better.

03-09-2006, 02:46 PM
Prayers for Brodie that it is something easily taken care of and nothing serious and gentle (((Hugs))) to you. Be strong and let us know what they have to say as soon as you can.

03-09-2006, 02:47 PM
You and Brodie have them for as long as you need them. Prayers and all good wishes heading south from Michigan.

{{{{{Brodie and Christa}}}}}

03-09-2006, 02:48 PM
I'm praying for Brodie, that the vet visit will go better than you think, that he'll be home and healthy soon!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-09-2006, 03:01 PM
Oh no! I've been wondering how he's been doing on his new food and was hoping for a good report, not this! I will defintely be thinking about and sending out a prayer for little Brodie that they can find out once and for all what's wrong with him. :(

03-09-2006, 03:06 PM
Poor Brodie! As a human dealing with food allergies is miserable, and I can only imagine it's worse for a kitty. You're in my prayers.

I'll even share my toast with you, if you can have toast.

03-09-2006, 03:44 PM
oh no poor Brodie! :(

I will check back later to see if you are home and have posted about the vet visit. (((((Christa)))) I am sorry and feel the same worry and panic with you.

03-09-2006, 03:49 PM
Singing for Brodie to feel better and the vet to have the answers.

03-09-2006, 03:54 PM
I am back from the vet - without Brodie.

He is worse than I thought. Running a fever.

The vet thinks he may have something stuck in his intestines.

She is keeping him overnight for observation. Going to do a blood panel, x-rays & give him something to see if whatever in there will pass.

If it doesn't pass, she wants to operate.

She says that the post opp recovery rate is not very good for this opeartion. Now hubby and I have a big decision to make and I am sitting here drowning myself in tears. An 800 dollar surgery and he might not even live through it. I don't know what to do.

She also told me that if he doesn't have the surgery soon, he won't live long.

I am so sad.

Keep praying for Brodie . . . and me.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-09-2006, 04:01 PM
She says that the post opp recovery rate is not very good for this opeartion.
Oh gosh, Christa, I'm so so sorry. :(

I'm a little surprised at her prognosis after the surgery is not a bit better. Callie (CalliesMom) just had surgery and they removed a piece of plastic and Callie is doing wonderful! Here's a link http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=100211&highlight=callie and here's another http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=100455&highlight=callie

Course it says the plastic was removed from her stomach, and the way it sounds is your vet is talking about his intestines......

Gosh, I'm just so sorry and will hope and pray for Brodie....and you and hubby. :(

03-09-2006, 04:02 PM
Christa...hang in there and try and not think the worst. Easier said than done, I know, but you've got to keep the faith. This is going to be a very long night for you but Brodie is in good hands and with all the PT prayers available, he's just got to be OK.

03-09-2006, 04:16 PM
Another update:

Hubby and I just talked it over and decided that if it comes down to it, he's DEFINITELY worth the surgery. Hopefully he won't need it and if he does, hoping he will live through it.

It's killing me being without him tonight already. Josie has been walking around looking for him. I always knew she liked him. ;)

If he has to have the surgery, it will be early in the morning. I think that hubby and I will try to go see him beforehand, just in case.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-09-2006, 04:20 PM
Dear Brodie our prayers are with you and your family right now

03-09-2006, 04:21 PM
Keeping good thoughts and prayers for Brodie.

03-09-2006, 04:24 PM
Course it says the plastic was removed from her stomach, and the way it sounds is your vet is talking about his intestines......

Yeah, something about . . . if it's a string in his intestines, or something long like that, it acts as a saw and can really tear him up. Then in the post opp, they run a high risk of bleeding out. I think she said a 30 percent death rate during post opp. But she said if it's just something small, like an eraser or plastic grape or something like that in his intestines, it wouldn't cause as much damage and wouldn't be as hard to remove during surgery.

03-09-2006, 04:42 PM
Dear oh dear! He'll be in our prayers, and so will Sir Jury, that he be extra kind and that Brodie will be okay if he needs Sir Jury.

03-09-2006, 04:57 PM
Have they done x-rays on him yet? The x-rays should show what is inside of him or at least give them an idea. My girlfriends cat Tuna had surgery to remove a plastic curtain pull that was stuck in his instestines, he did just fine after the surgery. To this day he's still as naughty as ever.


editied to at this thread which was right after Tuna's surgery.

03-09-2006, 05:03 PM
Oh Christa I'm so sorry. You know you never did sound convinced that it really was allergies - mother's instinct maybe?

I'll be keeping Brodie and you guys in my thoughts and prayers. I'll also be trying to check back for updates as often as I can.


03-09-2006, 05:26 PM
Have they done x-rays on him yet? The x-rays should show what is inside of him or at least give them an idea. My girlfriends cat Tuna had surgery to remove a plastic curtain pull that was stuck in his instestines, he did just fine after the surgery. To this day he's still as naughty as ever.

No x-rays yet. She's going to do them in the morning. Going to give him something like a barium (sp?) thingy and wait till morning to do the x-rays and hopefully will be able to see if there is an obstruction.

We are hoping that if she has to do surgery, it isn't a string or string-like. That would be better for him.

03-09-2006, 05:32 PM
Mr Scrappy Angel is coming personally to be with Brodie,your Little Tuxedo,and he will comfort her and give her all the strength he can through her ordeal.
We are praying for Brodie that she will be well soon.

03-09-2006, 05:38 PM
I just read this post and am very sorry to hear what has happened to sweet Brodie! I wish cats(including Ralph)could tell us WHY they eat things they shouldn't!!! Will be sending prayers for Brodie and the family. Please keep us posted! Take Care, Sandra

03-09-2006, 05:40 PM
Happy thoughts for my baby Brodie . . .




And my favorite that puts a smile on my face every time . . .


Laura's Babies
03-09-2006, 06:03 PM
OH MY GOD Christa!! How did I miss this thread today? Brodie is one of my favorite PT kitties and I have admirded the little tyke from day one! I had to wait until the LES passed to even respond to this... I can not believe out little (now big) Brodie is in the hospital with his sweet little life in danger. Prayers are sent and will continue for as long as needed.

I know you are worried to death, I would be too. Just try to remember he is where he needs to be right now and missing you as much as you miss him and you got the Pet Talk prayers going up on his behalf. Please try to rest tonight. (((((HUGS))))))

03-09-2006, 06:21 PM
Oh Christa, how sorry I am to hear about your precious Brodie.

I remember that adorable picture of him by the beanie baby. It's one of my favorites also. What a handsome boy he has turned out to be. :)

Major prayers on the way that he pulls through his surgery with no complications and has a full and speedy recovery.

((((((HUGS)))))) for you.

03-09-2006, 06:26 PM
How sad to hear this news about sweet little Brodie. Prayers are certainly being prayed for his speedy recovery. Please let us know how he's doing?

03-09-2006, 07:45 PM
OMG! Christa, I cannot tell you how sad I am to hear this! We are praying for Brodie here - Flutter says she will send extra special headbumpies for him. All paws and fingers crossed ehre that if it is an obstruction that its somethign small and easy to remove.

((hugs)) for you.

K & L
03-09-2006, 07:47 PM
I'm just now getting to this thread. Best wishes for you and Brodie that everything will turn out alright. I will be watching for an update.

03-09-2006, 08:04 PM
Christa, I just saw this thread. I am so sorry to hear about Brodie. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. :(

03-09-2006, 08:06 PM
Worst case scenario - at the boarding place where I work, a 6 month old ginger tabby came in. He had had $4000 worth of surgery to correct a twisted bowel!

He had a shaved tummy, long scar and instructions to lift him in and out of his room(which we did, of course) - and he was the goofiest nawtiest boy as if nothing had happened!

HUGS to you and Brodie - and prayers that it is pretty straightforward.

I PM's you about IMOM - hope that can help!


03-09-2006, 08:34 PM
Oh Christa, your Brodie is so beautiful. Maybe the barium will make pass out of his tummy/intestines anything that shouldn't be there. Prayers and healing thoughts to your sweet boy.

03-09-2006, 08:49 PM
Adding my prayers for Brodie, poor little tyke.

03-09-2006, 09:45 PM
Oh Christa, I am just now seeing this thread for the first time. My eyes are teary as I think of what you are feeling right now, and know how special your little Brodie is! :( Let's pray for your little guy, that either it isn't an obstruction at all, or it will pass, or at least be something easy to retrieve with minimal damage!


03-09-2006, 09:47 PM
Christa, I am so sorry to hear that Brodie still isn't feeling well and will have to have surgery. :(
He is one of my favorite Pet Talk kitties and I just love that baby picture of him with the beanie baby.
Sending lots of hugs your way and get well soon wishes and prayers to sweet Brodie. :)

03-09-2006, 11:40 PM
thoughts and prayers on the way for Brodie!

03-10-2006, 12:01 AM
Christa, I'm so sorry to hear about Brodie. :( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way. I sure hope that if he does need the surgery that he'll be fine and make a speedy recovery. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

03-10-2006, 01:14 AM
My heart aches for you. Brodie is lovely, so young and has been through so much. I hope that his young strength sees him through this. Miles came through surgery well and is home. Pouncierge survived being outside alone for a few days and is home. Brodie has to be the third lucky cat for PT. I'll be checking in at work tomorrow, anxious for good news.

03-10-2006, 03:45 AM
Christa and Brodie, my prayers go to you.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-10-2006, 03:56 AM
Oh no, Christa..... . I will pray that the vet can help Brody asap!
Hang in there!http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%20973%20Huge_hug.gif

03-10-2006, 04:43 AM
Little Brodie, we will all be praying for you with all our might (and your meowmie, too). Poor lil guy, what a nasty thing to happen to you.

Please let us know what happens and what the vet says this morning...

Hugs! (((((hugs)))))

03-10-2006, 05:57 AM
Morning guys. Waiting for "the call" . . .

Supposed to hear something by 8:30. If not . . . I call.

I didn't sleep well last night. I kept thinking about Brodie being so scared. He's such a scardy cat anyway. Poor guy. Keep him in your thoughts today and I'll update you asap.

She said she'd have to know about the surgery part at 8:30 and we're going to try to find out if we can see him first so I might not update until we get back. I know you all will understand. We wanna see him before he goes in, if he has to have it.

03-10-2006, 07:47 AM
GREAT news!

x-rays came back from his intestines that showed no obstructions there and the stuff they gave him passed through his intestines last night. Another indication that there is no obstruction in his intestines!

However they missed a part of his stomach on the x-rays so they're going to go back and shoot that in a few minutes. I should know something by 9:30.

More waiting . . .

03-10-2006, 08:03 AM
Sorry, I didn't get back last night. So far it sounds like the really scary part has passed, WOW! You must have had an awful night. I hope that they will be able to determine the problem soon and get him on his way to being healthy again. More prayers being said. Keep thinking good thoughts of your little boy and please let us know as soon as you hear.

03-10-2006, 08:30 AM
Well, thats great news Christa! We'll continue to keep our paws and fingers crossed that the stomach Xrays turn out good too.

If nothing is blocking anything, what is the next step the vet wants to take?

03-10-2006, 08:38 AM
If nothing is blocking anything, what is the next step the vet wants to take?

She's going to run some more test . . . more blood things. "medical things" as she put it to me in laymans terms. :rolleyes: And she said she's still not ruling out the food allergy.

At this point, I would be happy if it were the food allergy. Let's pray for the food allergy!!! That would eliminate surgery anyway.

03-10-2006, 09:05 AM
Good news that there is no blockage. :)

03-10-2006, 09:08 AM
Hugs and prayers and glad no surgery is needed!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-10-2006, 09:14 AM
Yeah!! Great news about no blockage in the intestines!! Wooo hooo!!!!

While he's there and they're running all sorts of tests, tell her you want him tested for allergies. They need to take blood and send it off to a lab - CJ's went to Texas. I believe there's only a few labs that do the extensive testing to find all the allergies, so tell her you want that done also. I don't remember how much it cost, but I do know it was more than $100.00 but less than $300.00 - sometimes I'm just so helpful. :rolleyes: ;) The cost might sound like a lot, but in the long run, it will save money on more wasted food and more vet visits. If she determines it is nothing but allergies, you will never know what food to give him until you know exactly what he's allergic to. When you get the results of the allergy test telling you what he's allergic to, they also give you a printout of foods that don't contain any of the ingredients he is allergic to, which makes it easier for you to find one that will work. You will also get really good at reading the ingredients part of food labels....and the manufacturers are so nice by making the printing so nice and big for those of us who are getting older and can't quite see all that fine print. ;) :rolleyes: :)

Whew! I'm just so glad it wasn't something serious like the string in the intestines thing. Hang in there, Brodie, just a few more tests and you'll be able to go home! :)

03-10-2006, 09:19 AM
Hugs and prayers and glad no surgery is needed!

Hopefully not. We're still waiting for word about the x-rays to his stomach.

03-10-2006, 09:45 AM
I have been out of commission for a few days with the dreaded flu, and am just now seeing this. The many emotions that I went through while reading about poor Brodie. I am glad that it seems like surgery will not be necessary. Many warm thoughts and prayers coming you way for all of you. I can ony imagine what you have ben through in the past few days. Keep us posted!

03-10-2006, 09:52 AM
Glad to hear it is nothing in his intestines. Now for more good news about his stomach!

Hang in there Christa. (((HUGS)))

Laura's Babies
03-10-2006, 09:58 AM
Hang in there Christa, we are all still praying for your sweet little Brodie... Just a little while longer and you should know something. I will be checking back.. ((((((HUGS)))))

smokey the elder
03-10-2006, 10:10 AM
(After about 10 tries loading this page....) I hope you can finally resolve what's wrong with poor Brodie! I'm glad a blockage has been pretty much ruled out.

03-10-2006, 10:11 AM
Okay guys, not sure what this means but I just talked to the girl that answers the phone . . . she was relaying messages back and forth (I think the vet was in surgery with another animal) . . .

Anyway, she wants to keep Brodie through the weekend to keep him on fluids.

She DOESN'T want to do surgery today. YAY YAY YAY!!!

Not really sure why she wants him on fluids all weekend . . . the only thing I can figure is that he was just that bad off. He had been throwing up his water all week and he did have that fever. And she wasn't giving him that much hope yesterday without medical attention. Maybe he does need the weekend stay.

Hubby & I have a visitation appt at 11:50 to see Brodie & talk to the vet. I will get the down low on his situation. I hope I can sneak his blankie into him too.

It's going to be a looooong weekend.

Laura's Babies
03-10-2006, 10:40 AM
Give his kisses from me and all the others here when you see him. Tell him we are praying for him and want him to get well soon!

Awe Man! Leave him all week end? That sucks but if it is for his best interests, you have to do it. Lets hope by Monday you will find him well, happy and ready to come home (There is a lot of praying time in a week end).

03-10-2006, 11:15 AM
Can they let you do the fluids at home.

Mama Is the best medicine.

03-10-2006, 11:21 AM
Yay Brodie! I sincerely hope it IS just a food allergy and t hat he'll come home to you good as new. Still sending prayers and positive vibes to him

03-10-2006, 11:33 AM
Oh Christa, I'm sorry I missed the news on Brody yesterday, and I just read the entire topic and I'm so sorry! Poor boy!

Well, the good thing is that there is no blockage! Can it be that his fever is a result of the fluid loss (from vomiting)?. Then putting him on fluids might help him very well.

I'll keep him in my thoughts, and I hope they'll soon find out what's wrong with him - and that it's something that's easy to treat.

Sending positive vibes to the sweet little boy!


03-10-2006, 11:34 AM
Back from my visit . . . Josie is sniffing away at my "scents" . . .

Brodie was sooooo scared! When they brought him in, they had him wrapped in a towel and he was groweling. As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up and he stopped. He turned into a different cat. The vet & techs were just amazed. They couldn't believe it was the same cat. Evidently he had been eating them up. The vet even showed me where he had torn her smock all to pieces. LOL

He had also pee'ed on himself when they first brought him into the room. :rolleyes: I offered to clean him up (they were thrilled) He's a stinky boy now!

Anyway, she wants to keep him at least till Sunday. Says that will give her time to watch for anything to "pass" . . . But so far, we aren't going to have to do surgery after all. Nothing has shown up on the x-rays.

I told her that he had been EATING those Tidy Cats Crystals :rolleyes: and now she's going to look into those. She hadn't even heard of them, but is going to take a trip to Walmart to check them out. See what they have in them. I explained to her what they did and she's thinking they may be having some impact on him. We're going to get them out of our house anyway, just to be on the safe side.

I'm going back to see him in the morning at 11. I can't wait!!! I miss him so much!!!

Thank you so much everyone for your prayers. PT prayers come through again!!!

Just continue to remember us . . . that we can get through this weekend without any more problems.

03-10-2006, 11:42 AM
Christa, I'm so glad to hear that Brodie doesn't need to have surgery. :) Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

03-10-2006, 11:42 AM
Brodie was sooooo scared! When they brought him in, they had him wrapped in a towel and he was groweling. As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up and he stopped. He turned into a different cat. The vet & techs were just amazed. They couldn't believe it was the same cat. Evidently he had been eating them up. The vet even showed me where he had torn her smock all to pieces. LOL

How sweet is that?! He really loves and trusts his meowmie! :)

What are Tidy Cats Crystals? A litter? And he ate those??? So he may have poisoned himself with those? Poor boy, but at least you would know what's the cause, and you can do something against it.

Feel better soon, Brody!


03-10-2006, 12:11 PM
Good news! I hope Brodie will get better and better!

03-10-2006, 12:39 PM
What are Tidy Cats Crystals? A litter? And he ate those??? So he may have poisoned himself with those? Poor boy, but at least you would know what's the cause, and you can do something against it.

The crystals are silica gel, which I think is the stuff that comes in packets to keep things like Japanese rice crackers dry. I just remember that the packet always says it shouldn't be opened and the contents are harmful. But if there is no blockage, that rules out silica gel sitting in his digestive tract, absorbing moisture and enlarging itself. So, perhaps the chemical composition has irritated his tract? I'm very glad your vet is going to check out the ingredients. Also, she can call the company (Nestle) and get more information out of them.

I always take in a special blanket if my cats have to stay, though I usually fight against that. Sometimes I've put on a clean sweater for my drive to the vet and then taken it off there to put in the cage.

03-10-2006, 02:09 PM
I printed off a bunch of info on the Tidy Cats Crystals for the vet today. Just in case it will help. The Tidy Cat's web page & Nestle page weren't very helpful as far as the ingredients but I did find this:

Household Products Database (http://householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/brands?tbl=brands&id=18017003)

I took her all that info. Not sure if the litter IS for sure the culprit, but I'm just trying to do my part to help.

By the way, we are doing a full litter change this weekend. No more crystals in this house. Did I already mention that? ;)

03-10-2006, 02:14 PM
What are Tidy Cats Crystals? A litter? And he ate those??? So he may have poisoned himself with those? Poor boy, but at least you would know what's the cause, and you can do something against it.

Kirsten: Yes, it is a type of litter. You can use it alone or as a deodorizer (which is how we used it) Anyway, yes, we caught him eating it several times. When we first added it to the litter, he dove in face first and got a mouth full. Of course we tried to get it all out but who knows how much more he ate after that.

Anyway, we aren't absolutely for sure that the litter is what's making him sick, but it's definitely a possibility. Just something we thought about last night while brainstorming what all he could have ate to make him this sick.

03-10-2006, 02:32 PM
Anyway, we aren't absolutely for sure that the litter is what's making him sick, but it's definitely a possibility.

Yes, I think it could be. If it's also a deodorizer, it most likely contains chemicals. Strange that Brody eats it, but we all know that some cats have funny preferences.


Laura's Babies
03-10-2006, 02:35 PM
You have to examine every possiability and that could be one. I'd really be interested in what the vet thinks after she checks it out. I am so glad he was happy to see his Mommie! Yes, he needs to know you haven't abondoned him by seeing him as often as you can and it will give BOTH of you assurances that the other is alright. Hang in there girl! ((((HUGS)))))

03-10-2006, 04:15 PM
This is good news about Brodie not having to have surgery!!!! I was reading the posts about him eating the Tidy Cat crystal litter. I am just wondering if Brodie ate enough of them to irritate his GI tract, thus causing the vomiting, which would lead to dehydration, temp, and loss of electrolytes. So keeping him at the vet for fluids might help to make Brodie feel better!!!
We used the Tidy Cat crystal litter in the past. It helped me figure out who had the UTI when I looked in the litter box and saw RED(blood)crystals. Then the cats decided they did not like it, so back to basics!!!
Will keep prayers heading out to Brodie(and some for you, too).

03-10-2006, 04:20 PM
I am just wondering if Brodie ate enough of them to irritate his GI tract, thus causing the vomiting, which would lead to dehydration, temp, and loss of electrolytes. So keeping him at the vet for fluids might help to make Brodie feel better!!!........
Will keep prayers heading out to Brodie(and some for you, too).

I am hoping that this is the case . . . if so, smack my hands. I should have stopped using the stuff as soon as I saw his "hunger" for it. I'm smacking myself for that one. :eek:

And thanks for the ongoing prayers & thoughts. We really need it and do appreciate it. :)

03-10-2006, 05:12 PM
I found this startling fact on World's Best Cat Litter web page


Silica gel litter is made from silica dioxide sand (the same material found in quartz), oxygen and water. The gel contains millions of tiny pores that can absorb up to 40 times their weight in moisture. It comes in spheres (also called “pearls”), half spheres and crystal shapes. Some manufacturers add dyes and scents, so you want to watch out for, and avoid, those. The most worrying part of silica is that it is a well known carcinogen (a substance that promotes cancer).

Crystals are silica which is a known carcinogen.

Not compostable or bio-degradable. "

Scary, huh???

03-10-2006, 09:33 PM
I am SO RELIEVED to read that Brodie doesn't have a blockage or need surgery! Thank GOD! It sure would be great, if it was only the litter issue! THAT would be pretty easy to remedy! Keep us updated and give that little smock shredder a hug from me! ;)

03-11-2006, 08:14 AM
Christa - I am really glad to read that Brodie does not have blocked intestines and that he does not need surgery.

That is really curious that he wanted to eat the crystals. ( sorry but your "head first diving description made me laugh :D ) And, you may be just right in checking out that possibility that it is the reason he got sick. I have seen the Tidy Cat Crystals at the grocery and wanted to try sprinkling them in with the litter here - now I will not try it of course. My Fresh Step does have some green and blue speckles.....hmmmmm

I bet that a few days at the vet and lots of fluids - will help Brodie feel MUCH better and you will have your healthy baby back soon - maybe even tomorrow :)

03-11-2006, 08:21 AM
Crystals are silica which is a known carcinogen.

Not compostable or bio-degradable. "

Scary indeed! :( Wouldn't surprise me if he got sick from those! :(

How is Brody doing today? Any news?


03-11-2006, 08:35 AM
My Fresh Step does have some green and blue speckles.....hmmmmm

We use Fresh Step too and will probably continue to use it. From what I've read, the dangers in those specks are to cats and especially *kittens* breathing in the silicia dust. It gets into their lungs and causes problems. BUT there's been a lot of research and arguments for and against it . . . it's been an issue evidently . . . and like I said, I bought 2 more boxes of Fresh Step to do a litter box change today, so I'm just going to stay with it for now. The crystals are just so much larger than the tiny pieces in regular litter, you know? They hold so much more moisture.

I haven't talked to the vet about the litter YET but hopefully will get a chance to today. I can't wait to see what she thinks about it. Just makes sense to me. The timeline & everything.

We're going to see him at 11. I will update again after that. :) Wish I could bring him home today. But I know that if he needs another day of fluids, that is what he needs.

03-11-2006, 08:42 AM
Poor Brodie.I'll send extra prayers for his speedy recovery.I know how much you love this little guy.I hope he feels better soon.

03-11-2006, 02:35 PM
Sorry I'm just getting around to updating you all.

We went and saw Brodie at 11 this morning. He was a handfull.

First of all, they asked if *I* would go get him out of the condo because he was not a happy camper and I guess they thought I'd have better luck getting him out. When I walked up to the cage, he hissed at ME!!! I stuck my hand in, he sniffed and just fell over onto my arm. Poor baby.

We took him into the room and loved on him for probably half an hour. He was attention starved!!! He looked better than he did yesterday. Doc says his temp is normal again, although she said that she hasn't had much luck getting a thermometer up his butt.

Evidently it took FIVE people to do what needed to be done this morning. (when they gave him his fluids) . . . he was mad as a hornet by the time we got there.

Also, something I thought was funny, he PEE'ED on himself again!!! The doc thought that was strange since he has only been doing this when WE COME TO VISIT!!! So we have come to the conclusion that he's pee'ing on himself because he's excited to see us. Isn't that sad? Makes me want to cry.

He's there until Monday morning, at least. :( It's killing me!

He's got a really nice place to stay though. It's like a huge condo . . . sectioned off with a place for his blanket and a place for his litterbox & a place for his food/water. Not just a little cage. That made me feel better. You'd think he was in a prison camp though!

Oh yeah, he also smacked at the vet while we were there too . . . little brat! LOL . . . she said she's seen worse though, and she also said that the strangest part is how he changes when we come. She says usually when they're mean like that at the vet, they're mean even when the owners come to visit. Brodie just changes personalities somehow. :) He's my little angel.

I can't wait to get him home . . . I just dread getting that pee smell out of his fur! He's stinky! Maybe Josie will help me. :)

03-11-2006, 03:52 PM
Sorry, I just had to chuckle when you described Brodie as soon as he knew it was YOU and not that mean old vet! My, my, they probably are counting the hours til he goes home!! ;) Sounds like he's been a holy terror there. That might be a good sign...at least he is feeling well enough to be bratty!

I, too, am relieved that no surgery will be necessary. When I read the original note, I ran through the house, checking everything that A&B could POSSIBLY get into and chew/swallow. It's an awful feeling.

I am so glad he seems to be recovering, even tho' he isn't the best patient there. :D

03-11-2006, 03:58 PM
Hi Christa! From your posts, it sounds like things for Brodie are making a positive turn. Poor little guy must be pretty scared and confused over everything going on. Seeing you has to be reassuring for him, he knows he hasn't been abandoned or forgotten. What a relief to know that surgery has been pretty much ruled out. Here's hoping your baby Brodie is back where he belongs very soon. Snuggles being sent for Brodie, (((HUGS))) being sent for you, and prayers for both of you. Please update us as you can?

03-11-2006, 04:22 PM
Glad he's feeling better enough to be obnoxious to the vet! Miss Hoppy heartily approves. :rolleyes:

03-11-2006, 04:26 PM
I'm sorry to hear this about Brodie. Poor little guy. I will certainly keep him in my thoughts and prayers that he feels better soon.

Laura's Babies
03-11-2006, 05:18 PM
Poor Brodie, I will be so glad when this is just a bad memory for him... Yes, they do get so lonesome with nobody around. I can't WAIT until the little sweetie can come HOME!

03-11-2006, 05:19 PM
Thanks guys. His newly found "attitude" has made us chuckle a bit also! Even when he and Josie play fight all over the house and Josie sounds like a little devil, hissing & growling, he never makes a sound to her. I just wonder if this will change things? Did he find his inner meanness??? Josie may be surprised when he comes home with such an attitude!!! :eek:

03-11-2006, 07:29 PM
I'm glad to read that Brodie is doing so well with his recovery. I might get some of those bath wipe things at pet store.
We use the Fresh Step litter here. The only time I notice any significant kind of dust is when I pour it into another container. Starting using FS when we got Eleanor in June 2004 never had any problems breathing wise with the kids. It makes me sneeze sometimes when I'm scooping to wildly and stir things up.

My thoughts on the "Crystals are silica which is a known carcinogen and causes cancer." Why would a company make litter that causes cancers?????? I would think we would have the biggest STINK no pun intended about this particular litter. All sorts of recalls of product. Havent heard of anything being done like this in the USA. We hear about food recalls for animals when there is a problem. Worlds Best Cat Litter is a company who promotes their "natural litter" of course they will dig up and twist information to make other companies litter look bad and make we consumers go out and buy their all natural stuff.

I would not worry about Fresh Step or any others like it until it's ordered of the store shelves.

03-11-2006, 09:52 PM
Well for one thing, I don't think that any company intends for their client's cats to EAT the litter, LOL. Therein lies the problem. But you also have to consider that every litter website or disclaimer says something about, if your cat eats litter, see your vet . . . means there's something wrong. Silly cats.

We're not 100 percent sure that Brodie's eating the crystals was the problem. Just probably didn't help matters. He WAS vomiting before we started using the crystals. I posted in January about buying the crystals and I know he was vomiting way before that, even enough that I went out and spent 120 bucks on a Bissell SpotBot! :eek:

I don't think there's anything wrong with the Fresh Step either. We've always used it and never had any problems. And yes, I did get some of those good bath wipes at the store the other day. I'm ready to give him a good scrub down!!! And if that's not enough, I'm thinking about looking up the directions for the BUTT BATH!!! ;) Oh joy!

03-11-2006, 10:31 PM
Good luck on the bath :)
Have hockey gloves and helmet ready LOL

smokey the elder
03-12-2006, 07:48 AM
I've never heard of silica gel being carcinogenic. Asbestos, a FORM of the same mineral, is; mainly because of the shape of the crystals. The silica may be irritating; it's the same stuff as sand, after all.

I hope Brody gets through all this OK!

03-12-2006, 11:16 AM
I've never heard of silica gel being carcinogenic. Asbestos, a FORM of the same mineral, is; mainly because of the shape of the crystals. The silica may be irritating; it's the same stuff as sand, after all.

Well I hadn't either. Otherwise I wouldn't have used it. Regardless of whether it's true or not, I'd rather not take the risk.

03-12-2006, 11:19 AM
Christa, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Brodie turns into an absolute angel baby when he comes home. That is how Ripley was years ago when he had to stay at the vet (wild) but then he would be the biggest baby as soon as he was in the house. He was clingy and sweet and just wanted to be around someone - which was a big deal since he used to hate to be pet much or even around us much back then.

Hope they can get to the bottom of what is making him sick soon.

03-12-2006, 11:42 AM
I hope you're right, Lori. I hope he's still the same sweet kitty when he gets home. I don't want him to change at all.

Now for a Sunday Update?

Actually, there's nothing to update. The vet's office is officially closed today, meaning no phone calls and no visits. So you can imagine how long this day is going to be for both me and for my poor little guy that's in the hospital today with no visitors!

Josie is worrying me though. She is acting so sad. I think she finally has started really missing him. She's been clingy and vocal all morning. Very very sad. 3 nights so far without him - surely she realizes that he's not here. We've noticed her looking for him. She'll hear sounds in the house and run to see if it's him.

They have a routine, every night at 10 o'clock when she uses the litter box, he always chases her from the litterbox through the house . . . it's like a game to them. Anyway, every night that he's been gone, Josie gets in the litterbox at 10, jumps out and runs through the house. Just like she thinks he's going to chase her. Isn't that sad?

I wish I knew more today. Just going to try to get through this loooong day. Get the litterbox changed . . . get his room cleaned up & ready for him to come back. Poor guy . . . I just hope that this day passes quick for him too.

03-12-2006, 11:53 AM
Poor Josie! :( This is really sad! :( Wish there was a way to let her know that this was no good bye forever!

I hope you can bring him home tomorrow!


03-12-2006, 01:47 PM
Extra hugs for poor lonely Josie!!! Brodie sounds like a Ralph Syracuse clone at the vet's. Ralph hisses and growls at me, then when I open the cage door, he climbs up onto my shoulder and all is forgiven!!! Brodie will do the same!!! Hope there is MORE good news tomorrow and Brodie can come HOME!!!

03-12-2006, 02:19 PM
I would think someone goes into check on Brodie today,
for food and water refreshing and cleaning litter box. Also to check on him medically.

03-12-2006, 02:40 PM
I would think someone goes into check on Brodie today,
for food and water refreshing and cleaning litter box. Also to check on him medically.

Oh yeah, definitely. They're just closed to the public on Sunday . . . and me. :( I've driven by there on Sunday before and seen cars parked in the side lot. Even seen the vet's truck parked there. So I know that they work on Sundays. Guess they have to. :) Just wish *I* could go visit him. Soon though . . . not much longer and he'll be coming home!

03-12-2006, 03:02 PM
I am praying for your sweet little guy! I hope they can pin down a diagnosis next week.


03-12-2006, 03:32 PM
My husband, kitties and I are sending our hugs and best wishes to you, your husband and your kitties. Hope Brodie comes home happy and healthy soon. :)

03-12-2006, 05:41 PM

As for finding objects on X-ray: when our vet performed an X-ray on Callie they didn't find anything and actually said her bowels looked normal. When they did the ultrasound, they did find a shadow in her stomach. The only reason they went on and did surgery was because she continued to vomit despite everything they gave her.
I will pray that Brodie turns out to be perfectly find. Callie is doing quite well and I will be updating everyone in another thread with pictures! Take care and let us know as soon as you know something.

03-13-2006, 07:23 AM
8:22 . . . just waiting to make that call, to see when I can go pick up my boy.

Or really, to see IF I can go pick him up.

I hope & pray that he's ready to come home. This has been the longest weekend without him!

03-13-2006, 08:04 AM
Good luck Christa! I wanted to check this thread first thing to see what was the news of the day. We're all praying for the Brodster!

03-13-2006, 08:07 AM

I just called and they said as long as I've changed the litter in the house :rolleyes: which I already told her I'd done . . . I could come and get him at . . .


25 minutes . . . gotta go get dressed & get ready to leave! I'm glad that the vet's office is just a few minutes down the road! I can be there in no time!!! :)

I will post pics in a new thread when I get him home & get him cleaned up a little bit.

Thank you all so much for your prayers & support! You all are so great!

midget gem
03-13-2006, 08:13 AM
Get well soon Brodie, I hope that your illness is not serious and that you will make a full recovery. Hugs for both of you.:(

03-13-2006, 08:16 AM
Home at 9:30!!!! YAY!!!! I'm glad he'll be home with his family where he belongs., And now maybe his sister will appreciate him more ;)

03-13-2006, 08:32 AM
Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-13-2006, 08:42 AM
YAAAAY! Brodie is coming home today! I know that he will be sniffed by his fursibs and lovewd on by Meowmie and Pawpie! I am so glad that his visit at the white coats os over and that he is feeling better. I am anxious for news when he gets home!

Laura's Babies
03-13-2006, 09:48 AM
I am SO EXCITED!!! I will be waiting with my arms crossed and tapping my foot!

03-13-2006, 10:02 AM
:) I am so glad you get to go get your baby Brodie.. Hope all will be ok & Brodie to get better.. Me & the girls send whisker head bumps, Prayers & (((((( HUGS ))))) Keep us updated ok..

03-13-2006, 10:06 AM
YAY!!!! Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet boy!