View Full Version : Spare thoughts for Nanook please (update page 4)

03-08-2006, 01:18 PM
As most of you know, my ultimate heart & soul dog is Nanook. That boy is my life, my heart, my soul, my buddy, my everything. We've been through so much together, good & bad, which has made our friendship nothing but stronger.
Well he's getting older, he's 15.5. My family, friends & I have been talking about him a lot lately. You see over the weekend & at the begining of the week he was having some bad days, not awful but worse than his "normal" bad days. As sad as it is we know that they can't live forever.
Forgive me if this is a little broken but everytime I think of him I get teary eyed, tense & just can't think straight.
We are taking things day by day at this point and loving every moment of it. Nothing is for sure at the moment, like I said it's a day by day basis we're going on, but between all of us (me, vets, family, friends) he most likely has anywhere between a few days to a few weeks left in this great world. Some feel that a few days some feel a couple months.
This is just so hard on me. I've been planning on doing a thread all about him for a week or so now, everytime I sit down to do it my mind goes blank, thinking only about how much I love Nooker Bean, how much I will miss him. I think of so many great things to say yet can't place them on paper (computer). I wanted this thread to be very special but I just can't get it right.
He has fallen a few times, worse than ever, on his good leg & whining in pain. Besides these couple incidents he is still happy, way happy & appears to be in no pain.
I want to ask each & every one of yous if you can keep my boy in your thoughts & prayers. He so deserves it.

Nooker bean from the last few days:
Dealing with the camera because I have a treat in my hand lol

handsome pose

This one's a little on the dark side but I love it

Waiting for some lovins

Being his happy self

my cute buppy bean wanting even more lovins

Eating some yummy meats
mmm mmm good

My "new" favorite of him

03-08-2006, 01:21 PM
Oh Nanook! I'm so sorry to hear about all of this! Rest assured you WILL be in our thoughts!

03-08-2006, 01:31 PM
Too bad they can't live as long as us.
I am very sorry and hope your baby is confortable and has many months and even years ahead of him. Some dogs live very long!

I thought you might appreciate this:

WHY DOGS DON'T LIVE AS LONG AS PEOPLE (one heck of a story)

(Author Unknown)
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish
Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owner, his wife, and their little boy
were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I
examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family
there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to perform the
euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, the owners told me they thought it would be
good for the four-year-old boy to observe the procedure. They felt he
could learn something from the experience. The next day, I felt the
familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him.
The little boy seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time,
that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few
minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to
accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion.
We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about
the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. The little
boy, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why."
Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned
me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.
The boy said, "Everybody is born so that they can learn how to live a
good life, like loving everybody and being nice, right?" He continued
calmly, "Well, see? Animals already know how to do that, so they don't
have to stay as long."


03-08-2006, 01:33 PM
I'm so sorry! :( you and Nanook with be in my thoughts and prayers..((hugs))

03-08-2006, 01:35 PM
(((((hugs))))) to you and handsome sweet Nanook. May you have many more beautiful moments together.

:( Oh, this just makes me cry, too. I had to put down my 17 1/2 yr old kitty last December, I know exactly how you feel. He was my soul-mate kitty. I felt so conflicted. How would I know when it was time? But people here on PT assured me that you just know, and they were right.

Nanook will let you know when he's ready. Then you can let him go peacefully.

Please PM me anytime, I send you gentle (((hugs)))

Ginger's Mom
03-08-2006, 01:35 PM
Oh Sue, I am sorry to hear that Nanook (and you) are going through such a tough time right now. I will definitely include you both in my prayers. Please give that big handsome boy a very big but soft hug for me.

03-08-2006, 01:38 PM
He looks very healthy and happy. Its no fun getting old is it nanook?

03-08-2006, 01:39 PM
(((((hugs))))) I know how hard it is. Lots of prayers and good thoughts for you and Nanook

03-08-2006, 01:42 PM
He looks very healthy and happy. Its no fun getting old is it nanook?

Yes he is happy and pretty healthy considering all his problems but "don't judge a book by it's cover" & "looks can be decieving" are well used quotes for a reason. Now I know why. :(
Thanks for the thoughts! :D

Daisy and Delilah
03-08-2006, 01:45 PM
Sue, I'm so sorry that this is happening. My heart breaks for you and Nanook. I can barely type through the tears. Don't we all know how hard this is for you? Nanook is such a beautiful, beautiful boy and I know he's as loveable as he looks. I'll keep you both in my heart, night and day.

03-08-2006, 01:46 PM
This is true and from my experience with my RB gigi (kitty) they can hide their illnesses very well.

Its no fun but unfortunately its part of being a parent to a fur baby.

03-08-2006, 01:46 PM
Of course you and that beautiful boy will be in my thoughts. I know how hard this must be on you. :( (((HUGS)))

03-08-2006, 01:51 PM
I'm so sorry it's coming down to "that time". The time we ALL dread as pet owners. I have been asked " Why do you do that to yourself? You know they will die long before you so why even get them in the first place, then you save yourself the heartache." I have told them that the pure and honest love you get from your animals makes it worth the heartache. Look at all the long, or not so long in some cases, years of love, devotion, companionship, laughter, tears, memories we have and cherish of our beloved companions. It would not hurt so much if we have no loved so well and be loved so well in return. Yes it's hard to lose them, I dread the day one of mine goes, I know they will take part of my heart with them. But I also have all the joy they have given me so I hope that will see me through, as I hope it sees you through the coming hard times. We will be here for you and I wish many prayers and thoughts to Nanook, and you, that he will be as happy as possible until "that time" and that when it comes it will be peaceful. Hugs to you for what you have to deal with.

03-08-2006, 02:02 PM
Sue, Nanook has always had a very special place in my heart. Ever since you've started posting there's just been something about that boy that makes me melt. I'm not sure what it is. I'm guessing it's my weakness for older dogs, and how I feel the same you do with him as I do with my Simba.

Dogs are truely something special. I do hope you both have many more years together. He always looks so lively and healthy in his pictures, but I know aging has got to be bringing him down. You've done an awesome job with him.

{HUGS} to you both.

03-08-2006, 02:08 PM
I am so sorry to hear all of this. I really don't know what to say. I also had to put down my kitty of 22 years. Before our 3 children, before we were married, there was Sammy the cat. Sammy never did really take much to the kids. She was even more indifferent to the dogs when they came along. She was a loner and an independant soul. She was an outdoor cat and a tree climber and bird catcher. She was active almost all the way until the end. It all happened so fast. At about 21 years Sammy just suddenly could not jump up on the counter (Yes, she was still jumping up on the counter to see you if you were doing dishes or leaning at the sink) any longer. And then from there, lots of house accidents - continual. Nothing I could do to stop her from urinating everywhere. Ruined the entire lower floor carpeting. But she still came upstairs every night and jumped up on the bed with my wife and I, snuggled at our feet and slept through until we awoke in the AM. Then finally she couldn't even jump on the bed. She began peeing upstairs. I started seeing blood in her urine. I had her to the vet several times and although her health was failing, she - like yours - didn't seem to be in any particular pain.

The vet said, "Sammy is old" and things are just failing. But otherwise, she was in remarkable shape for a cat 22 years old (and an outdoor one). "Whatever I wanted to do"... Each time, I came back home with Sammy. I think to everyone's surprise. Although everyone loved Sammy, I know they all thought it was time.

But when YOU are ultimately the one making that FINAL call, it is not as easy. I know. I know because although they all thought it was the right thing and appropriate. They did not ultimately take her there, hold her and watch her slip away. I don't know if there is ever an easy way. I do know that it would have probably been cruel to let Sammy waste away as she would have probably gone through some devasting setbacks and ultimate pain if I hadn't made the decision that I did (although it was still tough). I took Sammy back with me (that was also tough) and buried her on the hillside behind my house where she used to run and play and climb trees as a kitten. I hope she is happy there! I hope you have the strength and support to know what is right and when to act when that time comes. Peace be with you.

Dan (Bob's Dad)

03-08-2006, 02:22 PM
Poor little Nanook. He sure is mighty handsome. But please don't be upset. He may still have a few more years on him. He's just getting to be little slow and his bones are aching just like old people. But in his heart, he is still a young pup.

I am sending positive vibes to Nanook right now.


03-08-2006, 02:25 PM
Sue, I remember you telling me this on Yahoo, and it got me all teary eyed. Now I'm like about to bawl. I really dont know what to say, but of course I'll keep Nanook in my thoughts. He is a sweet gorgeous boy, and with all the time he's been with you, I know he's had more love than ever.
Give Nanook some kisses from me. :)

03-08-2006, 02:37 PM
Nanook, you handsome boy. You sure look years younger than your age sweetheart.

I will pray for Nanook to have good days always and for him to somehow let you know if the time is right.

Hugs to you.

03-08-2006, 02:43 PM
Oh Sue, you have me in tears here. I know how much this boy means to you. In the few months that I've been a member here, I have grown to "know" and love quite a few animals, but Nanook is certainly one that I love more than most. There's something about his expressions and the way you write about him that make him seem like such an amazing friend.

I hope things start to look up from here. If not you know that you have been a good owner and friend to him and that's more than he could ever ask for. 15 1/2 is so old for any dog, especially a large dog! You must be a wonderful doggie mom for him to live that long, and he must love it with you to stick around!

03-08-2006, 02:55 PM
Nanook I will be thinking of you handsome boy.

Sue, my thoughts for you as well. (((Hugs)))

03-08-2006, 05:36 PM
I'm so sorry. :( You two will be in my thoughts.

03-08-2006, 05:39 PM
(((HUGS))) this is so hard. Nanook and you will be in my prayers.

03-08-2006, 05:46 PM
Oh Nanook! I am so sorry. Nanook I want you to know you've ALWAYS have been one of my favorite dogs on PT. Your mommy loves you to death and we know she is going to do whats best for you. I'm so sorry.((HUGS)) Prayers and good thoughts on the way:(

03-08-2006, 06:00 PM
Sue, I'm sitting here with LES because I know that feeling well.

All I can say is cherish every moment you can with him. Love him, hug him, kiss him and let him know just how much he's meant to you and how much he will always mean to you. Spend every minute you can with him.

I have to say... his pictures are beautiful.

Lots of loving {{{hugs}}} for both you and Nanook.
We'll be keeping that sweet boy in our thoughts and prayers.

03-08-2006, 06:08 PM
Those are wonderful pictures, Sue! What a handsome happy guy! And like I've said before, he always looks so darn huggable! :D Please give the Nooker bean a big ol' {{hug}} from me!!

03-08-2006, 06:34 PM
Sue, I'm really sorry to hear this :(. We can all tell from your posts about him, just how much you love your boy. Just remember, you've given him 15 wonderful long years of love, attention & everything else a dog would ever want in life. He's such a happy, handsome boy. You will be in my thoughts.

03-08-2006, 06:56 PM
Nanook is such a handsome boy. I'm sure he knows how much you love him. My thoughts will be with Nanook and with you. {hugs}

Lady's Human
03-08-2006, 07:01 PM

Sue, I hope Nanook's time left with you is as much pleasure as it can possibly be for both of you. Hopefully months if not years more of pleasure.

finn's mom
03-08-2006, 07:20 PM
Quality, not quantity. He's had a good life, and, will continue to do so until it's time. I think most of us can relate to how hard it is to reach this point, though, and, it never gets easier. I'm so sorry that you and Nanook are reaching it...I'll be thinking of you both.

03-08-2006, 08:46 PM
Nanook seems like a truly special dog. I know that you have had him since you were young, and I know how hard it is to watch him getting old.
Last year I lost my 17 year old cat I had had since I was in kindergarten, and it was so hard to let her go. I sincerely hope that however long Nanook may have left is cherished by both of you. Sometimes we don't get to say goodbye, but you have that opportunity and I'm sure your last months with him will be very special. I'll be thinking of you both.

03-08-2006, 10:21 PM
I've always loved Nanook's sweet, happy face. It's never easy deciding when to say goodbye. All I can say is try to focus on the loving him and making those final days or hopefully months some of the best, and when the time comes you'll be able to remember those plus all the others you've collected over the last 15+ years. Initially you won't be able to do that without a lot of sadness and tears, (it took me months before I could even think of my RB terrier, Sandy, without tearing. He passed away a couple of days shy of his 16th birthday.) but eventually you'll be able to think of those memories with a smile and know he had a full and happy life. He's trully a special boy and my prayers and thoughts are with both of you. Give him a big hug for me.

03-08-2006, 10:24 PM
Nanook is in my thoughts. Enjoy every minute with him and I hope there are many. We all understand what you are going through.

03-08-2006, 11:42 PM
Enjoy every day to gether , I would find one of the kits to make a foot print . They did it for me when I had to let Merlin go and It's nice to have . Also save your groomings I'll make yu a Nanook hat or scarf .

03-09-2006, 07:44 AM
oh sue, heartbreaking already only reading the title and "my life, heart, soul, buddy and everything........." :(

I know it's very hard on you especially and you did this to find such some comfort from us. well, I've never experienced this myself but there was one cat who I don't see very much but already has a place in my heart. and one day that cat's owner, my good friend called me to come and to stay with her, ending her cat's suffering days, I bawled like he was mine for two days straight. so you too, you're my special friend and your furkids means a lot to me too because they means dearly to YOU.

I hate to know, say, hear, see that nanook is the next.. :( LES here, I remember one morning when I woke up at your house, nanook was just right by me on the floor, I looked at him, just thinking & amazed how happy, so gentle and SO loving he is for afterall how soo much health problems he has!! geez, I loved watching you and him having morning moments, you talking to him, say "good morning sweetie, come on here", him looking at you, following you to kitchen like any fursoulmates would do. but couldn't go to work with you because he was in pain.. (and he getsto stay with me!) :D ;) :p

ah... that, I think you should do more of that, cherish every moment and grab every opportunity you could play with him, take him to your work, walk him gently in sunshines when he isn't in pain. then eventually the good will outbalance the sad part. in time.. really, before and after.

sweet sue, nanook & you, be in my thoughts! know my ark's chimening prayers for you both & love you all very much! :) ((((hugs & hugs)))) remember I'll be seeing you soon! :D

03-09-2006, 08:51 AM
Thank you all for the wonderful replies. This is hard but yous have managed to help lighten the load for me some how. I will forever be grateful. We really are one big family. I don't know what I'd do without pettalk.

What does LES mean?

03-09-2006, 08:59 AM
What does LES mean?
Leaky eye syndrome (crying).

03-09-2006, 09:02 AM
:eek: my apology for thinking you know pettalkictionary so well! :o

thanks anna. :)

03-09-2006, 09:08 AM
Sue, please know that he knows how much you love him and care about his well being. He'll love you forever and he'll never leave your side, he'll always be with you in spirit.... furever.
My heart is with you & your fur crew.
{hugs} to you and Nanook.

03-09-2006, 09:16 AM
Give Nanook a hug from me. He's a love, you just tell by looking at him! A giant plush toy of a dog.

He also looks a lot like a doggie nephew of mine, Nilla (belongs to a non-Pet Talk family member). They've got the same coloring, but Nilla has sillier ears.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-09-2006, 09:20 AM
Extra big hugs to you and your boy

03-09-2006, 01:10 PM
Sue, I'm sitting here with LES because I know that feeling well.

All I can say is cherish every moment you can with him. Love him, hug him, kiss him and let him know just how much he's meant to you and how much he will always mean to you. Spend every minute you can with him.

I just can't say it any better than Anna (and others) have already said. I do know the feeling well, and you just have to cherish every moment. He's such a loving, sweet boy. Your post really hit home, reminding me of my RB boys and those last couple years with them. It won't be easy, there's just no way around that, but when the time comes we will all be here to share in your grief and give you our love.

Give Nanook special kisses and gentle hugs from me please.

Dixieland Dancer
03-09-2006, 02:38 PM
Nanook's pictures are precious. Take as many as you can because you will always cherish them and go back to them for comfort and beautiful memories. When my first Golden Girl, Taffey was having similar problems at 13 1/2 that you describe Nanook as having, I had a friend who was wise enough to take pictures for me. She even took pictures the morning it was decided it was "time" for her to journey on. Now all these years later, I find myself pulling out the pictures and remembering our special bond and the love we shared. I know she is waiting for me and has greeted others I have loved too. She will always be a part of my heart!

As others have said, you will know in your heart when it is time. Nanook will let you know because he loves you and trusts you with such an important decision. He feels the same about you as you feel about him!

Sending {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}} to both you and Nanook.

03-09-2006, 03:57 PM
I'm SO sorry to read this. :( I know how hard it is to lose a beloved dog... and it's such a hard decsion to know when to let them go. Nanook is such a happy looking boy. I've always loved seeing pictures of him, I just love that big guy. I really hope he stays healthy and free of pain for as long as he can. He will be in my thoughts and prayers.


03-09-2006, 04:59 PM
sorry i just saw this, and needed to give you all my support and i totally symphatize i´ve been there and its awful, as said by many Nanook seems so energetic and healthy and most of all happy, so as long as we want to keep them forever it cant be and the time you two have spent is the most valuable thing. so now you have to think of him and not you (i also thought of me, i dont say you do too, please dont get me wrong) because when one of my dogs passed she was 14.5 and i didnt wanted her to go, but tehn i saw she was in pain, her legsa didnt work right she felt constantly and when she got up she shaked so bad she prefered to stay laid, i realized that was no fair life for her so i asked God, because he knew best "if shes suffering as much as i can see, because she is a tough dog, please take her with you so she can have peace and tha pain goes away" she went to the RB during her sleep... i cried my eyes out as i´m right now, but you gotta be tough and since Nookie seems much much better than my dog was, he´ll give you more time of love and companionship, so cherish every moment with him, as it could be days, weeks or years dogs deserve our dearest love ALWAYS and ge always get it back no matter how they feel. if you need anything dont hesitate and PM me, i´m here for you both............HUGS and Kisses

03-09-2006, 05:32 PM
Sue, I had tears in my eyes from reading this. Nanook is such a sweet boy. I hate to hear this terrible news. Please know that you are in my thoughts! The relationship between you & Nanook reminds me so much of mine & Tiger's relationship and my heart goes out with you. Please keep us updated!!

03-10-2006, 09:25 AM
You guys are so sweet, always there for others when we need it. Im not sure any amount of thank yous will ever repay yous for all the kind & wonderful support I have received nor can I come up with any form of words that can describe how grateful I am to have friends like you.
Thank you once again.

03-10-2006, 09:33 AM
Ooops, should probably post a little update. It's hard to remember when you got Nook' on the brain & hard to type when you have tears in your eyes.

Last night I was actually amazed with him. As I walked in the door he was happily trotting down the hallway to great me. Not once in about 2 months has he heard me enter the house, even when he is right next to the door.
He was also very talkative & playful (still had to play by laying down but he was more energetic). Of course his hind end is still so weak he is still not doing great but there was a vast improvement last night. This morning he was a little worse again but not as bad as he has been in the past.

I know I will never know for sure when he is ready until the time actually comes but I do know he is not ready right now. We talk to each other daily about our life, events, memories and as of lately a lot about when its time to go. He tells me straight out he's not ready yet. :) He says he'll let me know when he's ready and boy do I hope he does.

He spends his days enjoying being spoiled absolutely rotten and relaxing.

03-10-2006, 10:42 AM
i´m happy you both are happy and enjoying life together!!! kisses to Nookie and extra hugs to you for being such a great pet owner and person

03-13-2006, 02:05 PM
I want to thank you all again for the thoughts & prayers, they mean the world to me.

Nanook has had a few accidents over the weekend. He fell a few times, on his good leg. One fall was so bad it prevented him from walking on that leg for quite some time, all evening and into the next day. This would make about 8 falls within the last 5 or so days, that I know of anyways where he has cried out in pain.
He went back to the vets today and is on stronger pain meds and more supplements, thats all they can do for him at this point, better stronger drugs. :( Although his mobility is still limited he does appear to be doing better, still not even as good as he was even last week though. I tell ya what though that boy is still as happy as can be. He's got some high spirits thats for sure. :D Thats my man! :)
Nothing is set in stone obviously but the vets gave him about 2-3 week max., if he doesn't get worse, which myself & my family & friends think the same. :(

I have some new pics but forgot my camera today... I will also be taking new ones daily. I don't when I will get them up but I will try my best to soon. Things are pretty hectic now, I am having a lot of company some in the next week. MANY people want to say their last goodbyes to my boy. He sure is well known. I don't know how many times I take him for a walk & people yell out "hey Nanook" and I have no clue who those people are. He's traveled clear across country (from NY to Oregon & in between) & back a couple times, he even made into some concerts that I couldn't get into. lol My brother is trying to arrange a funeral for him, thats how well known he is. Isn't that sweet?

So we take it day by day, he gets lots of lovins & yummies and of course is spoiled in every way possible. Nanook is glad to anounce that he will not be seeing any more dog food though (or at least plain kibble, maybe lots of canned merrick though). Hey when your about 109ish you can eat anything you want to (besides grapes, raisins, choc & onions lol).

I would like to ask you all perhaps the biggest thing I could ever ask for in my entire life, to keep him in your prayers daily, during these last few days/weeks he has here with us and a safe & peaceful passing. That my friends is all that matters to me as he is seriously the most imprtant thing to me in my entire life. Thank you all once again from the bottom of my heart.

03-13-2006, 02:19 PM
Oh Gosh Sue! I just read through this thread with tears!! It breaks my heart to know that you're heart dog is aging and has almost reached his time to cross the bridge. I'm sure though, that he's the happiest boy around and knows how deeply you love him. Prayers that the next few weeks will be smooth and that Nanook rests easy until his time.



03-13-2006, 02:21 PM
I'm getting LES from reading that. Of course I will keep Nanook in my thoughts, and hope they he enjoys his time he has left more than ever. I know you love Nanook with all your heart. :(
Give Nanook some hugs and kisses from me.

03-13-2006, 02:23 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted on Nanook. I will be thinking of him.

Take care Nanook. You're a very good boy.

03-13-2006, 02:33 PM
Awww, Nook-Nook, we love you!

03-13-2006, 02:36 PM
Oh Sue, I am so sad after reading your update.
I am sorry and hope his last weeks are good ones.

03-13-2006, 02:52 PM
(((hugs))) I can hardly see though my tears, so forgive me if I misspell. I have been remembering Nanook in my prayers and will continue to do so. I hope that the time you have remaining with him is special. At least you are expecting it and are able to say goodbye. Try to update us whenever possible (I know you're busy, just whenever you get the chance). I will be thinking about you. Tons of ((((((hugs)))))) and kisses to Nanook from me.

03-13-2006, 03:20 PM
Oh Sue how heartbreaking this must be for you. However, you can spend each and every day with him and enjoy it to its fullest. My sincerest prayers for you and Nooker Bean. I hope that Kaige and Raustyk somehow sense this time and also will do what they need to do to get through this with you. ((((Hugs))))


03-13-2006, 03:24 PM
Sue, my heart truly breaks for you. Dealing with the thought of losing a beloved member of the family has to be so, so hard. :( You and Nanook will be in my thoughts and prayers every day. Please give that beautiful boy of yours a hug and kiss for me. (((Hugs)))

Anita Cholaine
03-13-2006, 03:34 PM
I've just seen this thread, and I'm completely speechless.... :( Your Nanook is such a special boy, I can't imagine not having him anymore on PT.... My good thoughs and prayers go with you and Nanook....
Tons of (((((hugs)))))

03-13-2006, 03:37 PM
I have tears in my eyes from reading this. :( :( I will keep you and Nanook in my thoughts and prayers. He's such a sweet boy. I can't even imagine what it will be like without him on PT and in your life... I'm just heartbroken. I can't imagine how heartbroken you are.... lots o f (((HUGS))) for you and your Nookie boy.

03-13-2006, 03:49 PM
Sue, has any of the things I PMed you helped the old guy?
I found the painkiller, that helped my moms friends dog live longer in no pain
painkiller (http://www.1800petmeds.com/pdetail.asp?SK=10586)

Ginger's Mom
03-13-2006, 04:06 PM

03-13-2006, 04:27 PM
Sue, there's nothing I can say so I'll be sending lots of love and {{{HUGS}}} your way.

03-13-2006, 04:47 PM
My heart goes out to you. {{hugs}} I will be keeping you and your dear boy in my prayers for sure.

03-13-2006, 07:51 PM
Your last update really touched my heart.. I am so speechless. I really don't know what to say except you both are in my thoughts and prayers.. I am really glad that he is still happy and that he is getting spoiled and eating whatever he wants until he goes to the bridge. I have tears in my eyes from reading this.

03-13-2006, 08:06 PM
(((((((((((((( hugs Nanook ))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((( hugs Nanook ))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((( hugs Nanook ))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((( hugs Nanook ))))))))))))))))

(((((((((((((( hugs for you ))))))))))))))))

you'll both be in my prayers every day.

Daisy and Delilah
03-13-2006, 08:11 PM
OMG Sue, I'm also typing through tears. Nanook couldn't be more loved than he has been and is now. He's lived a wonderful life with a very loving, caring Mom. He's such a beautiful boy and such a gentle soul. You both remain in my heart and I pray for you every day. I pray Nanook will let you know when his time comes and you will have the strength to get through it. My heart breaks for you and this gentle man. Please give him some special kisses from me :( ((((((HUGS))))))

03-13-2006, 08:16 PM
I am so sorry that this is happening right now. I am glad that Nanook is still in high spirits though!

I will be keeping you and Nanook in my prayers. (((((HUGS))))) to you and your strong boy!
Stephanie and Jesse

Kenley's Cat Lady
03-13-2006, 08:25 PM
Yes, my thoughts are with you this must be a very difficult time for you. I'm new here and I haven't seen a lot of pictures of Nanook but he is a beautiful dog and he is obviouly loved very much, you've given him a good life!

03-13-2006, 11:46 PM
Sue, I apologize for being late reading your thread.
I'm so saddened to read about precious Nanook. Like others here, I know it's so difficult to watch our beloved, special, heartstealing pets become ill and suffer. It's all consuming. As my Cody was getting older, and his hip dysplasia was worsening, I asked the vet also "how will I know? and his reply was simply "You'll know". I thought that was cold and heartless because I'd be the one to have to make the decision to send him to RB. Some quick cancer attacked him unexpectedly. And HE actually told me, by his eyes, that he was ready. I know he did that special gesture out of loyalty, devotion and love, to spare ME the pain of deciding for myself. I know you worship Nanook with all your heart. And that's all you can do. Take one day at a time and keep loving him as much as you do. My heart is so heavy for you. You will never ever forget Nanook. I still call Logan "Cody". I pray for both of them every day. Prayers and hugs to you during this difficult time.

03-13-2006, 11:58 PM
thoughts and prayers sent your way.

03-14-2006, 04:22 AM
I'm still thinking of you and your sweet Nanook.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-14-2006, 04:41 AM
You obviously know your lovely boy so well - I am sure he will let you know when he has had enough and wants to go to the Bridge. In the meantime it sounds like he is doing his darndest to enjoy his time with you. Will be thinking of you both

03-14-2006, 08:43 AM
I asked the vet also "how will I know? and his reply was simply "You'll know". I thought that was cold and heartless because I'd be the one to have to make the decision to send him to RB. Some quick cancer attacked him unexpectedly. And HE actually told me, by his eyes, that he was ready. I know he did that special gesture out of loyalty, devotion and love, to spare ME the pain of deciding for myself.

You know, that is exactly how I feel, that he will tell me & I will know... by his eyes. I can see so much sparkle & soul in his eyes right now I know it is not time yet.
I have a strong feeling this is how it will happen but there is that fear (and its a big fear) that something may happen and I won't know, or won't have the chance to say good-bye or the pain will get so bad that his eyes still show love yet his body just can't take it or... well the list goes on & on.

I thank you for sharing your story with me, it really has helped. :)

03-14-2006, 08:53 AM
Your love story with Nanook has touched me so. I can hardly look at his sweet face without crying here at work.

May your time left with him be full of joy and love, with the knowledge that you have given him the best life he could have possibly had. From your description, I cannot imagine a closer bond between owner and best friend.

Hugs to you and gentle kisses to Nanook's nose. :)

You remain in my prayers.

03-14-2006, 09:09 AM
(((Nanook & Sue)))

03-14-2006, 09:42 AM
Oh I'm crying now, I'll pray that his last few weeks are as happy as can be!

03-14-2006, 03:23 PM
I thought of you and Nanook when I saw this. Hugs to you and sweet Nanook and all who have been touched by his life well lived.

By Gene Hill

He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;
my other ears that hear above the winds.
He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea.

He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason
for being by the way he rests against my leg;
by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile;
by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him.
(I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not
along to care for me.)

When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.

When I am a fool, he ignores it.
When I succeed, he brags.

Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful.

He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion.

With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace.
He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.

His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and
unknown things.

He has promised to wait for me...whenever...wherever--
in case I need him.
And I expect I will--as I always have.

03-14-2006, 03:26 PM
I thought of you and Nanook when I saw this. Hugs to you and sweet Nanook and all who have been touched by his life well lived.

By Gene Hill

He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;
my other ears that hear above the winds.
He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea.

He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason
for being by the way he rests against my leg;
by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile;
by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him.
(I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not
along to care for me.)

When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.

When I am a fool, he ignores it.
When I succeed, he brags.

Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful.

He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion.

With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace.
He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.

His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and
unknown things.

He has promised to wait for me...whenever...wherever--
in case I need him.
And I expect I will--as I always have.

That's so beautiful.

03-14-2006, 03:29 PM
I thought of you and Nanook when I saw this. Hugs to you and sweet Nanook and all who have been touched by his life well lived.

By Gene Hill

He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;
my other ears that hear above the winds.
He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea.

He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason
for being by the way he rests against my leg;
by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile;
by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him.
(I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not
along to care for me.)

When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.

When I am a fool, he ignores it.
When I succeed, he brags.

Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful.

He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion.

With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace.
He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.

His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and
unknown things.

He has promised to wait for me...whenever...wherever--
in case I need him.
And I expect I will--as I always have.

Oh my gosh....I'm crying again - how beautiful

03-14-2006, 03:30 PM
I always thought Nanaook was young! You'll know when the time is right don't worry.

03-14-2006, 03:31 PM
Oh thank you sweetie, that is just absolutely beautiful. I love it.

I thought of you and Nanook when I saw this. Hugs to you and sweet Nanook and all who have been touched by his life well lived.

By Gene Hill

He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;
my other ears that hear above the winds.
He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea.

He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason
for being by the way he rests against my leg;
by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile;
by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him.
(I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not
along to care for me.)

When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.

When I am a fool, he ignores it.
When I succeed, he brags.

Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful.

He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion.

With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace.
He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.

His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and
unknown things.

He has promised to wait for me...whenever...wherever--
in case I need him.
And I expect I will--as I always have.

03-14-2006, 03:33 PM
Oh thank you sweetie, that is just absolutely beautiful. I love it.

You are so very welcome. I have had you both in my mind all day.

03-14-2006, 11:10 PM
I'm just reading this now, and I'm terribly sorry. I can't imagine the pain you're going through watching that sweet boy and not be able to help him. At least you know to cherish every last minute with him and not take any time with him for granted. I'm crying just thinking about you.

Please give him a gentle hug for me and I'll make sure to include you in my prayers.

03-15-2006, 10:22 PM
nanook, sue & critters,

know we're still thinking of you! especially an office I have been walking pass to my school counselor. I keep seeing a beautiful picture taped on glass window, a verison-like of nanook.
(8x10! his name is sawyer). all is missing is a loving mom next to it and can imagine you there. ;) I smiled big and thought of you both, wished dogs didn't have to live this so short. . .sigh.

((((many fuzzy&warm hugs)))) don't forget to take care of yourself too!! don't do too much and pamper yourself as much as what nanook have let you. :) xo

03-15-2006, 10:36 PM
I just found this thread. *Hugs* to both of you. Nook, you take care of your mom, okay? Wishing you peaceful and pain-free times, however long you may have left.

03-15-2006, 10:41 PM
Thinking of you Nanook

03-15-2006, 10:49 PM
Sending many good thoughts that you get more good time with your special boy.

03-16-2006, 06:35 PM
I received this in my email today from Michelle (captain) and it reminded me of you right now so I wanted to share it with you too.


I am your dog, and I have a little something I'd like to whisper in your
ear. I know that you humans lead busy lives. Some have to work, some have
children to raise. It always seems like you are running here and there,
often much too fast, often never noticing the truly grand things in life.
Look down at me now, while you sit there at your computer. See the way my
dark brown eyes look at yours? They are slightly cloudy now. That comes
with age. The gray hairs are beginning to ring my soft muzzle.

You smile at me; I see love in your eyes. What do you see in mine? Do you
see a spirit? A soul inside, who loves you as no other could in the world?
A spirit that would forgive all trespasses of prior wrong doing for just a
simple moment of your time? That is all I ask. To slow down, if even for
a few minutes to be with me. So many times you have been saddened by the
words you read on that screen, of other of my kind, passing. Sometimes we
die young and oh so quickly, sometimes so suddenly it wrenches your heart
out of your throat. Sometimes, we age so slowly before your eyes that you
may not even seem to know until the very end, when we look at you with
grizzled muzzles and cataract clouded eyes. Still the love is always
there, even when we must take that long sleep, to run free in a distant

I may not be here tomorrow; I may not be here next week. Someday you will
shed the water from your eyes that humans have when deep grief fills their
souls, and you will be angry at yourself that you did not have just "One
more day" with me. Because I love you so, your sorrow touches my spirit
and grieves me. We have NOW, together. So come, sit down here next to me
on the floor, and look deep into my eyes. What do you see? If you look
hard and deep enough we will talk, you and I, heart to heart. Come to me
not as "alpha" or as "trainer" or even "Mom or Dad," come to me as a
living soul and stroke my fur and let us look deep into one another's
eyes, and talk.

I may tell you something about the fun of chasing a tennis ball, or I may
tell you something profound about myself, or even life in general. You
decided to have me in your life because you wanted a soul to share such
things with. Someone very different from you, and here I am. I am a dog,
but I am alive. I feel emotion, I feel physical senses, and I can revel in
the differences of our spirits and souls. I do not think of you as a "Dog
on two feet" -- I know what you are. You are human, in all your
quirkiness, and I love you still.

Now, come sit with me, on the floor. Enter my world, and let time slow
down if only for 15 minutes. Look deep into my eyes, and whisper to my
ears. Speak with your heart, with your joy and I will know your true
self. We may not have tomorrow, and life is, oh, so very short.

(on behalf of canines everywhere)

Lots of hugs for you and your precious Nanook.

03-16-2006, 07:20 PM
Anna, that is so sweet and beautiful.

Gentle Hugs to Nanook and his family.

03-16-2006, 08:51 PM
I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and Nanook. He's lead a very long and wonderful life with you, I know whatever time he has left will be very special. {{Hugs}}

03-16-2006, 09:34 PM
ohh anna you just made me get a knot in my throat and teary eyes, its really beautiful.................

still with Nooks on out thoughts..........Hugs Sue

03-16-2006, 10:02 PM
Anna, that was beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :)

03-17-2006, 10:45 AM
Oh Anna, what a wonderful poem. Thank ever so much for sharing.

Nanook is still doing pretty good. No major falls, no cries, and very happy spirits. I am not sure if it's the stronger meds he's on or the power of PT once again, or a combination, but whatever it is it is good.
If he conitues to be like this we may be talking about months again instead of weeks.
We still cherish every day & he is still getting spoiled more than ever.

I promise to post pics either later today or Monday. I just haven't had any time to do so lately but I do have a bunch of them!

Thank you once again for keeping Nook in your thoughts. We really appreciate it.

new mom to a veiled
03-17-2006, 02:58 PM
OMGosh.....Sue, I had no idea. I'm so sorry I didn't see this before. My eyes are filled with tears right now for both you and Nooker.....He is a wonderful companion and you are a strong person. You are both filled with spirit, and both deserve the best. You are BOTH in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything I can do for either of you Do Not think twice of contacting me!!!! You are both in my thoughts and my prayers.....

03-17-2006, 04:44 PM
It's too bad dogs can't live as long as us :(

Prayers and Thoughts for Nanook.


03-17-2006, 04:46 PM
Aww, I'm glad the Nooker Bean is feeling a bit better!! I can't wait to see new pictures of him :D ((((((((Hugs)))))) for you and the ol' man ;)