View Full Version : Showing affection

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-07-2006, 09:49 AM
Each cat is different! Still they all have their own way of showing you their affection! How does your cat do that??

MAYA: she gives tons of headbumpies!

INKA: she jumps on my shoulder as soon as I lay down to rest, and purrs as loud as possible!

ZAZOU:Gives headbumpies, rubs against my legs, jumps on lap and pushes away the book I am reading ;)

SNOOPY: She starts making cookies on my sweater, lap, everywhere, and purrs :)

Laura's Babies
03-07-2006, 11:03 AM
Giz is for the most part, not an affectionate cat but when she decides she wants affection, she jumps up with "that look" in her eyes and purring like a 18 wheeler and starts with the head bumps, rolling over and pulling at you.

Amy does the reach up with her claws and gives me that look of "pick me up Mommie!" and will root her head, face down on me while purring.

Samantha just JUMPS up in my lap and wait for me to start petting her and gives me a dreamy eyed look.

Chester rolls over and gives me that "I am to cute to resist so pet me" look.

03-07-2006, 11:17 AM
Halo will "tenderize" your thighs until you want to scream. (She doesn't use her claws, but she has very strong paws so you feel like you've been beaten when she's done). :p OR, she'll race ahead of you and then dive to the floor at your feet and roll over for some belly rubs.

Pepper will curl up on your chest and insists on putting her head under your chin. :D

Cammie has nothing to do with me but will jump in Bobcat's lap and give him "The Gaze" that means he is a Cat God and she worships him. :rolleyes:

03-07-2006, 11:28 AM
Cute thread!

Allen: He comes and screams for us to pet him. He's mostly a man's cat so he screams at hubby, and if hubby's ignoring him, then Allen will come to me. :rolleyes:

Pouncer: I miss when it was just him and Allen. He used to be VERY affectionate. He still is but not to the degree he used to be. He wants attention, but mostly for me ot play with him. I'll get a headbumpie or two as a thank you. He keeps me company at the desk, hoping I do such exciting things as burning CDs or printing something

Harry: Another man's cat. He's is hubby's boy through and through, and only has interest in me if I am dishing out wet food or treats.

Abby: Ah, my little girl. I have her by my side every night. She didn't come to bed last night so I had to get up and search for her -- its odd not to have her cuddling up along my side all night long. She also keeps me company in the office, often on my lap as I am on the computer. She comes to me when I'm sitting in bed reading or drawing and sits on the pillow that I always throw over my lap. I can't tell you all just how much I love this little girl!

Flutter: Meowmie's little princess. She loves to be loved. But I recently discovered the reason why she hates to be on laps. If she's not on a solid surface (table, carpet, bed) then her balance is thrown off and she feels helpless. She begs for petting and its taken me some time to get used to the fact that I can't just pick her up and pet her -- she needs to be petted where she's begging from because its safe and secure for her. She loves to cuddle in bed -- on her terms.

03-07-2006, 01:34 PM
Mishi - this is new: He recenlty started giving me headbumpie "sessions" where he willl bonk his head and gums onto my hand for 5-10 minutes at a time. He REALLY gets into it. It's SO sweet and funny. This morning he gave me a head-bumpie foot massage, which, with his silky soft fur, feels SO GOOD. He also has to sleep next to me and lately he's getting even closer in his snugglies. I love my big goon!

Mitzi is less affectionate, but when she wants to give lovies, she will first give me a "high five" with her little white mitts. Then she will proceed to allow me to pet her. Sometimes, but not too often, she will give me one of her kneading kitty shiatsu massages.

Since the construction is going on in my apartment and life is disrupted and the living room relocated, both of them are less affectionate to me, but more affectionate to each other. Some day the construction will be finished and everything will hopefully return back to normal, I hope!

03-07-2006, 01:37 PM
The Found Cats Take Turn Being Affectionate.
Pouncierge Was Really Starting To Warm Up To Me,thats Maybe Why She Came Out On The Porch While I Was Refilling Bowls.

The Other Cats All Love Me,but Save Thier Charms For Treat Time.

03-07-2006, 02:21 PM
Tabitha: She will climb onto my lap and crawl into my arms and lay there in the crook of my elbow. She loves to lay there, and can for hours! She stretches out, begins purring, and will sometimes even snore! :rolleyes: In the morning, she likes to rub her nose on my arm to get me up and out of bed.

Sasha: Now she is a completely different story! While Tabby is all calm and petite and quiet, Sasha LETS YOU KNOW IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO HER! She will often jump from the dresser beside the bed onto me (Yep, all 18 pounds of her!) and land on my tummy! If we are watching TV or reading, she is a little more subtle and will climb onto my legs and into my lap and headbumpie me! "I'm still here Meowmie! Can you pay attention to me now?"

I love my girls! They are so sweet and yet so different from one another!