View Full Version : Thinking about adopting a kitten

03-06-2006, 08:10 PM
When is the best age to adopt a kitten?

Is there something that I should look for and/or avoid when it comes to adopting a kitten?

I also have a dog that is black lab/springer spaniel, that I have to consider also.

Any advice would be appreciated!! :)

Does anyone know of any good websites?

03-06-2006, 08:44 PM
Hmmm.... to be completely honest, kittens are best when adopted in pairs. They will keep each other entertained and they will be less apt to get into trouble.

There's really not much to look for when adopting a kitten because basically they are all sweet, all cuddle, all purr. You really don't know what their personalities are like tiol around 6 months old. If you know exactly what type of personality you want to fit into your family, then I'd suggest looking for a cat older than 6 months old. I'd look fora reputatble rescue where the volunteers can tell you details about a cat's personality and make sure he/she is the best fit for you.

When introducing the new kitty to your dog, do it slowly and do not leave them alone together until they've prooven ot be compatible and friendly at all times.

Congrats on wanting a cat! :)

03-06-2006, 08:58 PM
There is nothing more that I can add as Kim has given you some great adivice.

I also want to congratulate you on deciding to get a kitty and of course when or if you do get one, you know that it is mandatory that you post pictures of the little darling. ;)

Laura's Babies
03-06-2006, 10:12 PM
yep! I second that! (all of it) Copngtatulations on making that decision!

03-07-2006, 04:51 PM
Must also agree with the ladies its a must that photos are posted to let us all greet your baby with open arms :D
Good luck with the find. All kitties are great.

How active is your puppy? My mother and father-in-law had a cat which became real aggressive because the dog didn't want the cat to have any attention. Your dog will probley be fine, but if you do have a friend that has a cat it might be a good idea to see how your little dog is around a kitten. But in most cases if the kitten grows up with a dog they tend to become pretty close. Good Luck kitten or Full grown cat hunting they are unbelievable on the amount of affection that they give their owners.

03-07-2006, 06:16 PM
I would try and think a little Older as there are so many Great Cats that are one and a half to three years that are desperate for a Furr Ever Home.
We pray that you can find just the right Companion for You and Your Canine Friend.

03-07-2006, 08:19 PM
Zoe is VERY active. lol She jumps and runs in the house.

I'm thinking about taking her to a local shelter and let her interact with kitties and see if she'd do well. Or perhaps contact the shelter that I got Zoe from and ask them about her experiences with kitties.

03-07-2006, 08:22 PM
Problem with taking her to the shelter is that the cats will NOT like her. They'll all hiss and act out. I cringe when preople bring dogs to our local adoption center, because I know even the best behaved dog will freak the cats out. You can do it to see how she'll be, but it'll be much different in your own home.