View Full Version : My fish!

04-20-2002, 04:45 PM
This didn't come out as clear as I hoped, but here is my 5 year old kissing Gourimi!


I can't seem to get pics of my other fish...the danio moves to quick and the plecto hides too much!

04-20-2002, 05:18 PM
Does he have a sweetie to kiss? I imagine it's hard to get a good picture through the glass in the aquarium.

04-20-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Does he have a sweetie to kiss?

I had a second one, but it died a few years ago. Any other gourimi I have tried to get since then he has chased out (1 kissing, 2 blues and 1 fire). I don't think I'll add any new fish for awhile, although he tolerated the mollies I used to have.

04-20-2002, 05:34 PM
If he's going to chase them out, I wouldn't get him a friend either. He would just have to stay all puckered up with no one to kiss! He must like ruling the roost, so to speak!;)

Heather Wallace
04-20-2002, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

although he tolerated the mollies I used to have.

I love mollies, I used to keep fresh water fish, they lasted me years!

I had to black mollies, I adore the big eyes they have.

Nice pic, yes it must be hard to photograph.:D

04-20-2002, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Heather Wallace

I had to black mollies, I adore the big eyes they have.

I also had bacl mollies, although I had Dalmation mollies too (cause I couldn't have Dalmation dogs in my apartment!!!)

04-22-2002, 01:56 AM
We have 3 sturgeon in our pond , one if them is a huge diamant-sturgeon ! really beautiful !!
This fish are very hostile and swim up to the border as they spot us : they even let us pet them !!!!