View Full Version : No ADDITIONAL kitties in the Ploss household...

03-06-2006, 12:02 PM
I've given it alot of thought and spoke to Kitty at the Humane Society about Emmy. I have to be realisitic about the entire picture. I SO wanted to adopt her and make her part of my fur family. Kitty said not to worry, that she's young and will place quickly. That made me feel better and I kinda KNEW that deep down inside.

So, I am remaining a 4 cat family. I wish Emmy well and know that she will make someone very happy.

Sorry I got you guys all riled up about it (I was riled up myself!!) My intentions WERE honorable.

03-06-2006, 01:44 PM
Donna, ONLY YOU can know what is best for your home / household ... don't even begin to think that you have to explain it to ANYONE else!


smokey the elder
03-06-2006, 03:25 PM
I misunderstood at first that you were going to rehome all your kitties! *phew*. I'm sure that Emma will find a nice home!

03-06-2006, 03:33 PM
Smokey the Elder,

:eek: :eek: Heck no!! I'd rather cut off my head than rehome any of my babies. Harmony is a GOOD thing!! ;)

03-06-2006, 03:35 PM
It's okay, 4 is just enough for now! They can keep each other company when you start your new job!

03-06-2006, 04:42 PM

03-06-2006, 05:16 PM
Oh that's OK Donna. 4 is a great number. And I know you.....you'll still find some how to sneak a kittie in on a temporary basis while you find a new home for him or her. ;)

03-06-2006, 05:26 PM
I Know That That Is Not A Decision That You Came To Lightly,and We Are Praying That Theres A Good Kind Person Who Needs A Cat And Falls For Emma,like We All Did.
Dont Feel Guilty You Have Already Saved Four Cats,and Thats Nothing To Hiss At.

03-06-2006, 09:32 PM
My gosh Donna, the title scared the heck out of me. I also thought that you had to get rid of your cats. What a relief when I finally got the courage to read what it was. PPPPPPHHHHHHHEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!

Many times, I have had to make that decision myself and in the end, I know it was the right one.

We all know that your intentions were honorable.

Who knows what will happen once you settle into your new job and start making a steady income. :)

03-06-2006, 09:56 PM
Sorry I'm a little slow. I couldn't figure what the commotion was all about. NOW I get it. DUH!!! I changed it.

Didn't mean to scare you guys.

Laura's Babies
03-06-2006, 10:07 PM
We all want to bring everyone we see home and when we see those beautiful little sweeties that need us so bad... we just MELT! The heart gets ahead of our head every time when it comes to our furry friends and companions.

03-07-2006, 01:15 AM
what was the original title??? I have only had my kitties for a month or 2 but already i am in love with them and i cant imagine anybody but ME owning them.

03-07-2006, 09:46 AM
The original title was "No more cats in the Ploss Household" which made it sound like I got rid of my 4 precious beauties!! :eek: It didn't dawn on me till last night how it sounded and how much I scared everyone. Wording is everything!! :eek: