View Full Version : Good Bye My Miles ... (He's off to Sir Jury)

03-06-2006, 09:32 AM
:( my, I'm such a cry WRECK. I'm not going to visit my poor baby until tomorrow evening and he can't be with me for two-three days.. my little guy is going in for amputation this afternoon. I already miss him.. :( what's the good part in 'goodbye'???

morning update: his extremefriendly specialist and I talked (with deaf vet too), we decided it's best for him. [1] the crack is not even, and if we saw the keenbone off for pins, it would make his leg shorter than the other three, [2] about 4-6 months strict recovery IN cage, away from his attempting playful furriends. (with amputation, only a few weeks), [3] in years, because of the location of the crack (lesser trochanter - just below the neckball) possiblity of pins getting out of its place, going up after lots of runnings then poking and bother him. specialist also said what she has seen, is most difficultest case - she CAN try, "fix & see" (intramedullary operation) but not promising. so we felt amputating was best for him without any more trouble/pains.

miles lost rapidly in weight is what concerns surgeon the most - even though I had miles eaten 2x than usual past this week, he lost approx. two pounds and is very bony - so she's going to do some bloodwork & ultrasound (for kidneys, liver, active organs) to ensure there is nothing else wrong before amputation today.

I'm at starbucks, anxiously to hear back from specialist, hoping nothing else serious is wrong with him.. :( tonight, while I can't visit him, at home without my little brave fella there will be so depressing and empty. :(

my dear miles, hope you will go through everything smoothly today, and days going by fast then you come home!! I hope you will forgive me when you get back but know you'll always be my little hopper!

03-06-2006, 09:36 AM
We Are Praying As Hard As We Acn For You,and Of Course Miles.
The Pet Angel Army Is On Stand By,and Squads Of Pet Angels Will Be With Miles And You 24/7,comforting Him,and Bringing Him Doggy And Kitty Bags From The Restaurants To Keep Up His Morale And Strength.
Please Lord,let Miles Be All Right,and Let Him Go Home To The Meeowmie Who Loves Him So.

03-06-2006, 09:42 AM
The title of your thread scared me to death! OMG! Well, I am glad to hear that a decision was made and sounds like the best possible one for him. I am sorry that you won't see him for a little while, but he will probably be rather foggy for a bit and best that he be where he can be helped if needed. I hope that the weight loss is just from the pain he has been in and nothing serious. Still sending prayers and ((((hugs)))). Let us know as soon as you hear anything. Take comfort with the rest of your Ark, I am sure they will be missing him too!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-06-2006, 09:43 AM
Poor Miles.... ! I agree that amputation is the best solution for him. But better be sure that he is able to cope with the sedation... . I hope that the bloodtests turn out possitive for him!
Chin up, Gina, he will make it :)

03-06-2006, 09:46 AM
Oh Gina, my heart is breaking for you and Miles right now with LES right along with it. Prayers continue to be prayed for you and your special little sweetie. Even though your poor little guy must be so scared being away from you, Miles knows how much you love him.


All of your PT friends are here for you.....

03-06-2006, 09:48 AM
The title of your thread scared me to death! OMG!
Gina ! You scared me to death! I thought the title of the thread meant that Miles had passed away! I know it will be hard on everyone not to see him for a few days, but he will be home safe and sound soon.

03-06-2006, 09:52 AM
Miles you just be a good patient and let every one care for you. Gina HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG

03-06-2006, 09:52 AM
Oh my Gina, your title scared the daylights out of me. I am glad to hear that he's at the vets being taken care of. I am keeping yous in my prayers 24/7 sweetie. hugs, major hugs

03-06-2006, 10:01 AM
Gina - my heart is still THUMP THUMP THUMPING from reading the title of your thread. Like others, I opened it in dread. I hate the waiting part too, you can't focus on anything except what is happening to your cat and how long it will be before you can see him. Perhaps Miles has sweated away some of his weight from pain and stress. I'll keep checking in at work when I can. We are all thinking about Miles and you, hoping for the very best.

Laura's Babies
03-06-2006, 10:15 AM
Awe Gina! Can't you just go by and visit him? I have been praying for him even though I haven't responded before now. Poor baby. He will be glad when it is over and he is out of pain and can play like he did before and I know you will too. Pain will make you loose weight, I know from personal experience when I went through a lot of pain myself and was loosing weight at a rate of a pound a day. Will say extra prayers for him today. Hang in there Gina.

Felicia's Mom
03-06-2006, 10:38 AM
I also got the wrong idea from the title. A friend of mine had one cat with a front leg amputated an another one with the hind leg. The cat with it's hind leg off had more trouble than the other one (probably jumping).

03-06-2006, 10:41 AM
I edited the thread title, so it won't scare anyone else like it did me!
Hope he'll be fine so they can do the surgery, and he can get on with being silly, fluffy, Miles-long-miles!

03-06-2006, 10:50 AM
I'm so sorry! please accept my apology. I was thinking it as said my good bye to miles when I walked out.. :( I should have added "for now" or something. gee wiz, how didn't I think?

forgive me? :(

K & L
03-06-2006, 11:05 AM
OMG you scared me! Good luck dear Miles!! Everyone is pushing here for a speedy recovery!

03-06-2006, 11:16 AM
I'm so sorry! please accept my apology. I was thinking it as said my good bye to miles when I walked out.. :( I should have added "for now" or something. gee wiz, how didn't I think?

forgive me? :(

Of course! We know what you meant after we read the thread - that's why I ammended the title for you! :)

03-06-2006, 12:05 PM
Oh my Gina.... I am sure that you are worried sick about your little Miles while he is in surgery. But I know that there are many angel kitties looking after him and making certain that all is well with him. I am sending lots of prayers and warm wishes to you, Miles, and the white coats that all goes well. Please keep us posted!

03-06-2006, 01:35 PM
HUGS - I am sure his weight loss is due to stress too...even though he has eaten a lot...

Those vets are very caring and want to check everything out. Sounds like you and Miles have the best people caring for him (and you!)

I am running off to work but will check in later!

hugs and prayers


03-06-2006, 01:45 PM
BIG ((((HUGS)))). You and Miles are in my thoughts

03-06-2006, 01:47 PM
Praying for your sweet Miles! ;)

03-06-2006, 01:55 PM
I just got an e-mail from Gina, she is very upset and disappointed. She had not heard anything from the Surgeon's office so she called and they wouldn't tell her how or if the results were done. She isn't sure if they mean bloodwork, ultrasound or surgery. Just told her that the surgeon would e-mail her when Miles is up. Then told her if she doesn't hear back by 6:00 to call back again. How frustrating this is for her. I hope they mean up from the surgery, but hard to determine when they don't give you a straight answer. Let's just keep the good thoughts, hugs, prayers going for her and Miles and hope we hear something soon.

03-06-2006, 02:06 PM
I'm going to look at this positively and believe that they haven't said anything because they haven't done enough work yet to give any definitive answers. If anything had happened to Miles, they would have contacted Gina to come in. The same if they had found something else wrong. Right?

Gina is being a very good client. If it was me, and I've done this, I would sit in their waiting room. If they don't let me do that, I sit in my car outside.

03-06-2006, 02:28 PM
Thoughts and prayers for Miles. Hang in there Gina, he'll be fine with you taking care of him. ;)

03-06-2006, 02:44 PM
Oh Gina, I'm sorry to hear about Miles and everything that's happening today! Hope the vet calls/emails you with positive (good) results !!! ((HUGS)) !

Pawsitive Thinking
03-06-2006, 02:47 PM
Kitty kisses for you sweet Miles

03-06-2006, 02:49 PM
(thanks karen!)

just about half hour later after I called, surgeon emailed me, (with a good chuckle given - 'he's all naked & hairless now. :-)' - said bloodwork was okay, ultrasound was unremarkable.. and few questions, just answered them back.

lizzie - smile, maybe ... I had a long, long walk (about three hours) with crayola, sure enough not very far away from that building where miles is in right now then was desperately waiting in car, munching snacks in parking lot just next to the clinic so I can be near him in case someone calls me. well, just now that she emailed me and telling me he's going in now and will be sure to email me back after he's awake. you're right, lizzie - no call, no bad news - believe me, I've tried to stick to that even though the surgeon mentioned she would call me with either good or bad so that left me to thinking, 'must she have frantically been working with miles after found something seriously wrong??' ..sigh.

oh, dear, I can't wait. thanks everyone, I know he'll be in good hands but I won't get to see him for months. . . :( laura, they asked me to not come and visit - since he's gonna be in surgery and after, he won't know his meowmie came.. :( :confused: it'll be sort of hard going there tonight anyway, I could flood the room with my tears just seeing him all groggy and fuzzy. :(

edit - sorry rose! I was trying to add something (got an email back from surgeon, going to update that in next) and broswer was giving me a hard time! grar, hope it's back up..

03-06-2006, 02:58 PM
Glad you got a report of some kind from the vets office.
You wont get to see him for months?

03-06-2006, 03:01 PM
Glad you finally heard back and that the bloodwork and ultrasound were OK. Poor baby all shaved! Well, it will grow back in no time.

I guess all we can do now is hold good thoughts and say a prayer that all goes well for him and he comes out soon! Please let us know when you hear. We will all be anxiously waiting! More ((((hugs)))) to you and prayers for Miles.

03-06-2006, 03:07 PM
This has been such a horrible day for you, Gina. Little Miles loves you and misses you too. I know how much better you would feel if you could just scritch his head or let him know you're there by your touch. At least you know he's in surgery now and being watched very closely. Every hour is going to seem like 100 years until you hear from the vet again, that's a given. Try to hold on and count on your PT family for whatever you may need. Post us just to let off some steam if it might help. My prayers for Miles have been prayed all day and will continue until this is over. Prayers are being prayed for you too.((((( hugs)))))

03-06-2006, 03:24 PM
Amended Title still scared me.

I can't see Gina's last post at 4:20. All it says is:




03-06-2006, 03:29 PM
Prayers going up for dear Miles; poor baby, what a horrific experience for him (and you). Hugs to both of you and gentle scritches for Miles.


03-06-2006, 05:53 PM
Glad to hear that Miles is in surgery . prayers being sent.

03-06-2006, 06:21 PM
oh, you have no idea how thrilled I am to hear back from surgeon just recently and said miles went through amputation very great, no problems with anesthesia and surgery! :D http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif :D that's my boy!!! that's one most big worry anchor off! *haaappy tears* .. she'll email me an update tomorrow morning to see if miles will be able to go home in the afternoon/evening! :eek: ooh, I sooo hope so! http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif :D

the surgeon also suspects he may have some intestinal parasites -yikes- but shall be okay after sending miles home with 'worm' treatment and let him eat all he wants (of course) for a while. if nothing good comes at least three weeks, specialist suggested to have his vitmans tested ...hmm.

thank you all so much for being with us all day, poor miles is 'dead' right now but appreciates this sooo much so his meowmie can smile too. :) I'll be back in morning as soon as I hear from my precious hopper!

((((hugs & hugs))))

Laura's Babies
03-06-2006, 06:32 PM

Yaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I am so happieeeeee!

03-06-2006, 06:48 PM
the surgeon also suspects he may have some intestinal parasites -yikes- but shall be okay after sending miles home with 'worm' treatment and let him eat all he wants (of course) for a while.
((((hugs & hugs))))

Worms, no biggy. Every cat I get here has them. He'll just take a pill or some liquid.

Can't wait till he's tucked in his own home. He will be hopping around like nothing ever happened. And no more pain.


03-06-2006, 06:59 PM
laura!! that's the ark celebrating!!

:D :D :D :D

rose - not a biggy? oh good!

I can't wait, it'll be over zillions & zillions sheeps jumping by time he comes home, oh so I can't wait ..

03-06-2006, 07:01 PM

Look forward to pics of Miles all happy at home.

And worms - THAT is why he was losing weight even when he was starting to eat like a little piggy! :) He had Uninvited Dinner Guests that were sharing!


03-06-2006, 07:09 PM
Great news that he made it through surgery ok :)
In no time the meds will get rid of those nasty worms.

03-06-2006, 07:31 PM
So glad to hear he made through everything okay !!! :D

03-06-2006, 07:50 PM
oh, you have no idea how thrilled I am to hear back from surgeon just recently and said miles went through amputation very great, no problems with anesthesia and surgery!

http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/kuhio98/feuerwerk_02.gif http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/kuhio98/heart-throb.gif http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/kuhio98/feuerwerk_02.gif http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/kuhio98/heart-throb.gif http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a373/kuhio98/feuerwerk_02.gif

K & L
03-06-2006, 08:18 PM
YAHOOOOOOOO! Great news!

03-06-2006, 08:28 PM
Wahoooooooo !!!!!!!!! so good to see when I got back now if we can just get Delta home

03-06-2006, 09:03 PM
YAY Miles. I am so happy to hear that your sweetheart made it through his surgery and is doing well. I pray that he has a full and speedy recovery and pray that he will be able to come home tomorrow.

((((((HUGS)))))) Gina.

Felicia's Mom
03-06-2006, 09:08 PM
I'm glad Miles made it through his operation. :D

Daisy and Delilah
03-06-2006, 10:57 PM
(((((((HUGS MILES AND GINA)))))))

03-07-2006, 12:33 AM
What an enormous relief! I'm so very pleased that everything went well and Miles is the other side of this hurdle. Did you say that you have to keep him isolated for a while? How will you do that?

Wouldn't it be wonderful for everyone on PT if Miles and Delta both came home tomorrow?!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-07-2006, 03:24 AM
http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%2034%20dancing%20man.gif YIPPIE FOR MILES !!!!!http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies%201001%20celebratingsmilie.gif

03-07-2006, 04:40 AM
Way to go, Miles!!! What a brave boy!

And, Gina, he will be HOME soon!! :D

03-07-2006, 05:28 AM
YAY!!!! So happy to hear the good news! Hope your orangey boy will be home with you and the rest of your Ark really soon! Speedy recovery to you sweet boy!! Still sending prayers, good thoughts and more ((((Hugs)))) to both of you!

03-07-2006, 08:11 AM
sunshine & rise! :)

am waiting for net guy to come over & antivirusize my computer, (8-12PM) I got an email from miles - 'meowmie, I am doing well this morning. they have started to wean me off my narcotic drip and if I stay comfortable I can go home tonight.' and will email me again this afternoon to let me know how things are going and if the plan is on track to get miles home!! :D :D I responded back, ask if I could come in around in early afternoon (or after the net guy leaves) just to see my dear boy!! hopefully they'll let me. . .

lizzie - :( that would be most hard thing, strictly isolate him in a (big) cage at least for a week. sigh, I expect and imagine seeing him trying get him face through the checkered bars! then next week, miles can stay on bed, walk around a bit on it, with me there!! and overnights back in cage. then we'll see how third, fourth week goes by.. I'll want to ask surgeon more about that though, to see what his actual limitations are.

miles & delta, how cool/weird would that be? to some of you didn't know, here, everyone knows glacier as dog whisperer and I as cat whisperer! we both don't foster. :) not sure how it started but anyway, maybe miles can help delta come home too!

*does a little happy dance* :D

hey snoopy, flutter, impy, and all hoppers - I needs mentors! anything should my meowmie know when I come home?! such as home conditional, low litterbox, etc. (yay, I'll be that special!) I soon will realize I do not have my leg for how I love jumping on high surfaces.. when my leg was unusable for a week, I've already adjusted well with using my right hind, I had no problem hopping around for food! well, I know she had one three-legger once before but only for two weeks, she had a mild allergic from him and that doesn't count. :p any advices for her would be great, thanks!

Daisy and Delilah
03-07-2006, 09:15 AM
Glad to hear that Miles is doing well Gina!! I'm praying that Miles and Delta will come home today and PT will have the best day in it's history! :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-07-2006, 09:58 AM
hey snoopy, flutter, impy, and all hoppers - I needs mentors! anything should my meowmie know when I come home?! such as home conditional, low litterbox, etc. (yay, I'll be that special!) I soon will realize I do not have my leg for how I love jumping on high surfaces.. when my leg was unusable for a week, I've already adjusted well with using my right hind, I had no problem hopping around for food! well, I know she had one three-legger once before but only for two weeks, she had a mild allergic from him and that doesn't count. :p any advices for her would be great, thanks!

No need for adjustings here. Snoopy jumps as high as the other cats, it is amazing!! It might be a difference if it is a front or hint leg that is gone... .
For Inka, I bought a scratch tower with larger surface; as she oftens "misses" her jump, and lands on the floor then....

03-07-2006, 10:42 AM
I hope that they will let you visit him and I hope, I hope he will be able to come home today!!

03-07-2006, 11:16 AM
hey snoopy, flutter, impy, and all hoppers - I needs mentors! anything should my meowmie know when I come home?! such as home conditional, low litterbox, etc. (yay, I'll be that special!) I soon will realize I do not have my leg for how I love jumping on high surfaces.. when my leg was unusable for a week, I've already adjusted well with using my right hind, I had no problem hopping around for food! well, I know she had one three-legger once before but only for two weeks, she had a mild allergic from him and that doesn't count. :p any advices for her would be great, thanks!
I only needed a quiet place. All the other guys just KNEW I was especially delicate and they gave me lots of space and were gentle with me. Meowmie was a little upset, so I spent a lot of time cuddling with her and convincing her I was just fine. I was up and running around like normal a day or two later -- I felt a million times better after the surgery than before and I HAD to investigate the world all over again.

Meowmie keeps my front nails longer than the rest of the kitties because thats how I get into bed and climb up to my feeding table. I of course am very gentle with my nails and only use them to get me where I need to go. Meowmie has "steps" for me to help me get up on places. The people who adopted my sisters have steps everywhere for them too. The steps can be nothing more than a cardboard box that helps me get from the floor to the bed... but I prefer to climb up, whch is why meowmie allows mwe to keep longer nails to help me grip and climb. She never yells at me for putting holes in her new sheets :D

Meowmie plays a lot with me because she says I need more exercise than the others to keep my back muscles in shape. She worries about keeping me in shape and watches what I eat so that I don't get fat and put too much strain on my back -- at least thats what she says to me. I purrsonally think she likes to starve me!

Good luck my new friend,

Flutter's Meowmie here to Gina,
First, I am THRILLED to hear the latest update! I know EXACTLY the relief you're feeling. I just wanted to let you know to NOT be shocked when you see him walking and him doing a large dipping action as he walks. First time I saw it, it kinda freaked me out. He'll get into the swing of things and figure out how to get his movements in sync so that he can walk properly. You will see that he'll start to twist his back leg so that it goes under him as a central pivot point. If you want, I can make a video of Flutter walking so you know what to expect.

PS: If he has intestinal parasite, make sure the rest of the ark gets the meds so they don't reinfect him (I'm sure you probably already figured that one out, but in case you haven't thought beyond your relief that Miles did well, I thought I might remind you :) )

03-07-2006, 11:35 AM
Awww. I am glad to hear that Miles was well enough to email his Meowmie this morning! :D

I was wondering how things had gone, and there are still prayers and warm thoughts and wishes coming your way for a continued recovery. He will be home before you know it, and your ark will be complete again.

smokey the elder
03-07-2006, 12:49 PM
When Smokey the Elder had her leg amputated because of the cancer, she went up the stairs the night she came home. It's between you and your vet, but I don't buy the isolation. As long as the other cats don't pick on Miles he should be fine in the "general population"!

Hugz to you and Miles.

03-07-2006, 07:21 PM
Glad to hear the surgery went well.

Hope Miles will be home with you tonight.

03-08-2006, 07:38 AM
my little lion once again reunites (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1431589) with us!! :D :D

catnapper - already did! thanks! I've used diluted beach to disinfect the litterboxes too. feel much cleaner, right? kim - you won't believe it, he's hopping like he has been for years! but we'd have to be careful still though, swollen pevlic which unbalances him a bit but seriously, doing marvelously great. sure I'd love to see a video of flutter - problem is - no net here. :( send ahead anyway, hope to see it at friend's probably this week.

hey, thanks everybunny!

keep my nails longer? :eek: *snickers* ... :o I won't tell you what I did that meowmie always have to clip mine!! :rolleyes: all you have to know is I'm only being myself.. naughty!! come on, you all know it's part of us, right? ;)

well, you see, I planned to and surprised my meowmie by hopping all way across three rooms great to a high litterbox, and went phooo fine there! :D now she better not isolate me in doggy cage or I'd go crazy unexercised!! but I'll understand if I have to stay in bathroom while she's out for errands. as long as I am spoiled with "eat-all-I-want-la-la-lala" feast and rub my fluffy mousenip until it dies! :cool:

right now I'm purring, (you'd rate my motorheart 10!) and snuggling with meowmie! don't worry guys, I've already forgiven her, she's one loving meowmie! I'll maybe come back showing off how lovely lion I look but you gotta promise you won't laugh!

purr purr for now,