View Full Version : Did You Watch the Oscars?

03-06-2006, 08:47 AM
If so, what did you think?

I was happy CRASH won for best picture. It really was an incredible film. I didn't see Walk the Line but Reese Witherspoon is an incredible actress so I imagine her performance was outstanding. I saw The Constant Gardner and I thought Rachel Weiss was very good in it. I didn't see Syriana or Capote.

I thought best dressed should go to Jessica Alba and worst dressed to Naomi Watts. For guys, I thought George Clooney and Matt Damon looked hot. I didn't see any guy that didn't look hot.

I thought the guys who put the bow ties on the Oscars was funny and I want one of those penguins from March of the Penguins.

I thought John Stewart did a good job, though this morning he wasn't rated very favorably.

Anita Cholaine
03-06-2006, 10:56 AM
I didn't watch it all, 'cause I had school today, and because of the time difference, it finished at 2 am... The only movie I saw is Pride and Prejudice (such a beautiful movie...) so I can't really give my opinion...

I'm really happy that Gustavo Santaolalla (argentinian musician and producer) won for Brokeback Mountain's music...

I quite liked Naomi Watts's dress. I didn't like at all Charlize Theron's one... I didn't like that thing the dress had on the shoulder.

I think Reese Whiterspoon was one of the bests dressed. SHe really looked like a princess... I loved Jessica Alba too...

George Clooney looked really handsome... I couldn't stop thinking about Fenway when I saw him. They are too similar! :D

finn's mom
03-06-2006, 11:13 AM
I didn't watch this year, although I do enjoy seeing how people are all dolled up. :) I'll probably look up a few people in a little bit to see how they dressed...

I loved Crash. Glad it won for best picture...

Daisy and Delilah
03-06-2006, 11:48 AM
I watched parts of it. I was thrilled to see that Crash won also. What a fabulous movie that was! I truly think that everyone should see it.

03-06-2006, 01:17 PM
I'm glad Crash won. It was a great movie.

I was dissappointed in the whole show, however. I don't like the way they cut people's speaches off but yet waste a lot of time on those dumb montages. I didn't care too much for Jonathan Stewart either. Nobody does it better than Billy Crystal.

3 6 Mafia won for best song? :confused:

03-06-2006, 01:55 PM
I did not watch the Oscars but i am pleased and proud NZ did pretty well with King Kong, it is always great to see our little country appearing regularly at the awards these days.

I thought Reese looked like a princess too , loved her dress, might watch the repeat of the awards this weekend, it was on too late here, started at my bed time, i love seeing all of them dollied up too.

I was suprised Brokeback Mountain did not win too, so much hype about it, have not seen Crash, what is it about?

03-06-2006, 02:37 PM
I watched them and started to cry when "March of the Penguins" won. I truly felt it was a great tribute to poor Toga. I also laughed when they put those bow ties on the statues. Those British are a hoot!!!!