View Full Version : Pictures from the dog park

Ginger's Mom
03-05-2006, 04:10 PM
Just a couple of pictures from the dog park today. They really didn't come out that well (I need to learn how to use my camera). But I was very excited, because we met two Shiba Inus, one of my favorite breeds of dog. And they weren't together either, they just both happened to be there. And when we were walking around the lake we saw a Shiba puppy. :) Any way on with the pictures.
When we first got there, we were alone so we played ball for a while.
Meet Maya and Allie, aren't they pretty?
I tried to get a picture of them all running around, but always ended up cutting off one of them.
And my tired and dirty, but happy baby

03-05-2006, 04:17 PM
Awww Ginger is so pretty!!! I've always loved her coat... she is the cutest bundle of fur. Thanks for sharing!

The Shibas are cute too! I really like the breed also... I've never seen one in real life before.

03-05-2006, 04:19 PM
AW Ginger is such a beautiful girl! I don't think I've ever seen pictures of her before. She is so pretty. So are the cute shibas! :D

03-05-2006, 04:20 PM
Ginger is such a cutie! It looks like she had fun and enjoyed her friends. I don't believe I've ever seen a Shiba Inu in real life, they are pretty. :D

03-05-2006, 05:43 PM
Ginger looks like she had fun with her new friends! :D
Our neighbor owns a Shiba and an Akita, they're both very pretty dogs. :)

03-05-2006, 05:48 PM
Yay!!! Ginger pictures! I've said this before and I'll say it again, I can never get enough Ginger in my diet! ;)

Thanks for sharing your beautiful baby with us!

03-05-2006, 07:07 PM
she's beautiful dirty or not! :D I love this picture of her..:)

03-05-2006, 07:39 PM
She is a beautiful girl :) Looks like she enjoyed herself!

Ginger's Mom
03-05-2006, 08:17 PM
Awww, thank you everyone. :D She really did have a good time.

Courtney it is funny you should say that they have an Akita and a Shiba, for a while they were kind of promoting Shibas as miniature Akitas. They need to run, run, run, but are not trustworthy off-lead, so if you don't have a fenced in yard, breeders do not want to place their Shibas with you (sigh). But they are beautiful dogs.

And Debby I would ask for Maggy and Hugo pictures in return, but I know you are busy. :p

03-05-2006, 09:10 PM
Ginger really looks like she's happy there at the dog park, she looks so pretty with the sun on her shiny fur. :) I like all the pictures, but especially the close-up and of course the one with her holding a tennis ball. Who could resist playing ball with her? What a cutie!

Daisy and Delilah
03-05-2006, 09:18 PM
Awwwwwww!!! Thanks so much Joyce for posting pictures of the ever so gorgeous, Ginger! OMG!! She reminds me so much of my beloved RB Benny. {Who by the way....I'm still trying to find some pictures of.......alot of my old pics are scattered throughout the family and I can't find any clear ones}
I know Ginger is as sweet as she looks and I would love to give her some kisses and hugs in person. Please do that for me. Maya and Allie are very pretty indeed :D :) :D

03-06-2006, 07:19 AM
Aww! Ginger is such a cute girl!

My Peanuts
03-06-2006, 01:41 PM
Ginger looks so pretty. Looks like she had a good time.

03-06-2006, 02:32 PM
I always love seeing Ginger pictures, she is so pretty! :D