View Full Version : ear infection?

03-03-2006, 04:14 PM
I'm pretty sure Kodie has an ear infection.Poor guy hasnt been himself lately. :( He's been very mellow and hasnt really been playing much. His ears have been very dirty lately too. My mom cleaned his ears this morning and when i came home from school they were filthy again.And when i tried to clean a little deeper,he whimpered.So i think its painful,and plus he's been scratching alot.Both of them have to get there Kennel Cough shots next week,so we'll get his ears checked when he goes to get his shot.
Should i keep cleaning,daily,more than once a day,every other day?To help his ears.I want to keep him comfortable until he goes to the vet. :(

03-03-2006, 04:19 PM
Micki is just getting over an ear infection. I couldn't get him to the vet for a couple days so I cleaned his out everyday, I'm not sure what your supposed to do though :o Micki is sending Kodie get better vibes, ear infections are NO fun!

03-03-2006, 04:37 PM
Dogs ears are highly sensitive..
you can clean them out everyday with cool boiled water with cotton wool (be sure not to use too much wool!) you can also buy some ear cleaner from your vet called "leo ear cleaner" - its a great product. Also, check for ear mites, they can also cause irritation.
hope this helps

03-03-2006, 04:57 PM
thanks :) We do have a ear cleaner and i will check for earmites.

03-03-2006, 06:29 PM
Scooby has an ear infection. Unfornately, it spread to the rest of his body! It was diagnosed awhile back as a possible "yeast infection". However, after treatment it seemed okay. Now a few months later his ear was redish and had "dirty wax" build up on the one ear. I tried to treat it with the leftover medication which did not work. A few days later his hair started falling out in small patches all over his back. :eek: It had felt like "scabs" and then the hair just pulled away in clumps. Scooby was NOT acting like he was miserable or anything of the sort. :confused:
Turns out the ear infection was a BACTERIAL infection that had spread to the rest of his body! :eek: That is why the ear treatment wasn't working. Bacterial infections need antibiotics. The bacteria had gotten to the rest of his body causing these "scabs" to form and burst. Once those burst, the hair came out and the skin turned black under it.
Scooby is under treatment now. He is getting his ears cleaned out twice a day with a solution and then the antibiotic mix is added. He is also on an antibiotic. The cleaning part is hard since I have to do the process 4 times a day!
However, for NORMAL every day cleaning or care until you get to a vet, I would recommend a few things. There are cleaners available over the counter. They are available for humans. Basically the mix would be water and alcohol mixture. Same as the "swimmer's ear" treatment.
Another thing to get is the wax remover kit. It comes with a sponge ball and two separate fluids in some cases. There are a few varieties available. You can find that in the first aid isle of the store. Look for ear wax removal kits.
Be careful on using Q-tips. It pushes the infection further down the ear! So you want to NOT push but PULL the stuff out of the ear! :cool:
I had a mostly deaf dog that I had to treat for "clogged" ears. His ears had NEVER been cleaned out in 12 years! It was quite a chore and took several days to do. After I got the initial ear wax build up out. I used the liquids to loosen up the rest. It was a MESSY job but well worth the effort. :)

03-04-2006, 01:21 PM
But It Has To Be Done. I Have A Beagle (ginger) Who Has Unusually Long Ears (even For Beagle) And She Constantly Has Issues With Her Ears. We Use The Over The Counter Stuff And Vet Prescribed Drops. But She Never, Ever Seems To Be Totally Clear - Just Better. Her Ears Smell Clean (when They Were Once Real Bad - They Actually Smelled) And Have Very Little Brownish Residue Within Her Canal Folds. We Clean Almost Everyday And Keep Her From Developing Any Infections. Long, Droopy Ears Are Definitely The Worst. :d :d

03-04-2006, 04:10 PM
I would just suggest to go to the vet. Molly sometimes gets yeast infections in her ears caused by mites. They might give you some medicine and istruct you to clean his ears before and/or after applying the medicine. Odd question but Do his ears smell bad? Like when you are around him, can you smell some odd odor? if so then it means he DOES have an ear infection. Sorry I can't give you much help.

03-04-2006, 05:46 PM
They're both going on Monday,my mom made an appointment this morning.His ears do smell a little.They dont smell terrible though. Thanks for all of the advice though!I've been keeping an eye on them,and i'm going to go clean his ears soon.

03-06-2006, 04:14 PM
Just got back from the vet and turns out he has a Yeast Infection in his ear.His ears are clogged so i have to go clean them out with drops first then put his medication in.