View Full Version : A couple of new pics

04-19-2002, 10:24 PM
Here's my patient Graham showing off the fantastic treats that he won from Jackie's site, "for the love of dogs", from the "growling gourmet" :)

He LOOOOOOVVVES these cookies. So does Kersey! They both did their round of tricks SO good, so they made sure they got the cookies. I think they liked these cookies better then any cookies they have ever had!

And Kersey watching that cookie with passion:


04-19-2002, 10:52 PM
Our Eli does the trick in the first picture. He will wait and wait and wait, until we say "get it" before he gets the cookie. He used to be able to catch it mid-air, but he is getting a little rusty and lets it fall to the floor most times. Our Eli knows the word "cookie", he even knows when we spell it. :D So we spell it now, just "C,O".

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-19-2002, 11:12 PM
What a CUTE PUPPY!!!!!!!!
I like the last picture........... It looks like it is taking everything he has not to jump up and get that cookie :D ;)

04-19-2002, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
What a CUTE PUPPY!!!!!!!!
I like the last picture........... It looks like it is taking everything he has not to jump up and get that cookie :D ;)

Yes...we have been really working on "wait" with Kersey. We always make her wait for everything that she really wants. She is doing really good with it :) But trust me, if I were to drop that cookie onto the ground and turn my head away, she'd be on it like a flash of lightning!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-20-2002, 12:02 AM
originally posted by AdoreMyDogs
But trust me, if I were to drop that cookie onto the ground and turn my head away, she'd be on it like a flash of lightning!

LOL By the way she looks in that pic I bet if you dropped that cookie she would catch it before if hit the ground :D :D

04-20-2002, 06:19 AM
Oh Lesie your two are such cuties and do look so much alike! Please keep posting pictures and stories. You know how much we love Graham and Kersey. I have seen Bella get the same look on her face as Kersey. I think it says "I'm waiting but if you drop it, it's history!" Of course Graham is just an angel with the bone on his nose but then I have been a member of the Graham Fan Club for a long time now!

04-20-2002, 08:03 AM
Leslie, I hope you don't mind my adding a picture to your topic (again) but Hannah wanted to show Graham something. heeheehttp://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid18/p7614f997b2ab376c4b023b54faf9bd34/fdcb9237.jpg

04-20-2002, 09:01 AM
What great pictures!! I love poochie pictures. We had a Weimaraner when I was growing up that would do that trick. It thrilled everyone. She was a great dog...my mom even taught her how to sing "Happy Birthday"

04-20-2002, 09:30 AM
Leslie, those are great pictures, my goodness Graham and Kersey look like twins. They are both adorable and I love the pictures. I can't imagine Perry and Daisy waiting for their cookie like that, but I think I will try it. Wish me good luck. LOL
Shanlee, the lady who makes the cookies has decided she will retire from being a medical technician and has started a business making the dog cookies and they are made from only ingredients healthy for human consumption. She learned to cook from her step mom and she loves it. She is calling her venture "Growling Gourmet" If anyone is interested in buying any of her cookies they are listed in our community under "Growling Gourmet"

Rachel, how in the world did you get that "nawtee dawg" Hannah to do that? I am really impressed with her, I will show Daisy that picture and tell her "See what Hannah can do, do you think you can do it too?" All of those pictures are too cute. I love them.


04-20-2002, 01:07 PM
Hehehe!! I am so impressed with all of you smart doggies!!! I haven't mastered that trick with Honey and Lilly. They can't sit still long enough, and neither can I! :o I think we are not the patient type!!

Graham and Hannah are Dogs of the Day too, for being able to master that trick!! :D :D :D

04-20-2002, 03:03 PM
Hay Hannah dis is Graham. i see yur mom makes you do dat silly twick too. moms are strange arent they? i was barrissed dat mom showd every one dat pikshure of me til i saw you had one too! now im not barressed any more. your SOOO pritty lil miss Hannah. i think i LOVE you!

love Graham.

04-22-2002, 04:41 AM
Wonderful pictures! :D