View Full Version : Urgently need help with peeing cat

03-02-2006, 08:32 AM
Hello all,

Long time, no post. I've got a problem and I'm not sure how to handle it. My heart cat, my dream come true kitty, soulmate kitty Minion, has started peeing on the carpet in my house. He has done this before, in 2 of my old houses, but my old houses were rentals, and once it was partly due to a UTI he had. I took him to the vet yesterday after seeing him empty his bladder on my living room carpet and they did find a small trace of blood in his urine so he's now on antibiotics.

If I didn't love Minion so much this wouldn't be such a problem, but I just adore that cat to no end. But I can't have a cat peeing on my floors and ruining my house. I just can't have it. I have had 'the big talk' with him, telling him that this is non negotable. If he feels the need to ruin yet another of my homes, he can't stay here anymore. I've had that talk with him, I've had him medically treated, I scoop the litter box every day, I don't know what to do about him.

For the longest time, I couldn't figure out how someone could dump a cat like Minion. He's just so precious. He's so much like a dog in so many ways, he ALWAYS greets me at the door, he sleeps by my side or by my face every night, he follows me around from room to room. He loves my husband and I. He seems so happy. He loves his sister, Mindy. No I realize this must have been why he was dumped. Why on earth does he feel the need to pee all over my houses?

One thing I hate is walking into a house that I visit and smelling cat pee. I refuse to have my house be that way to others. I am very tidy and clean, and not only did he ruin our carpet but the hardwood floors underneath are stained now. We were pulling the carpet out anyway, but now we'll have a perminent stain in our lovely hardwood floors from him emptying his bladder on it. He must have peed in that very spot several times before I realized it. I had smelled cat pee, but I couldn't see where until I cought him 'scratching the carpet' to burry his pee. In the last house we lived in, there were no carpets, so he peed on my guest bed twice. This bed is one of those real expensive Select Comfort Sleep Number beds. It cost $1200 for the matress alone.

I've given him a wonderful life. I don't know what else I could possibly give him to make him stop ruining our things. I even give him special food for urinary health.

The vet gave us a sample of this litter training aid called Cat Attract. The vet said that it sounds behavioral due to his frequency of doing it, possibly due to any cats in the neighborhood that he feels the need to mark for.

Now for the solution. If Minion keeps doing this, I will be forced to either humanely euthanize him (oh God I hope it doesn't come down to that), forcing him to become an outdoor cat and live in my privacy fenced in back yard (that he has no way of getting out of), or rehoming him with someone who doesn't mind cat pee all over the place. Of all the cats to fall in love with, I picked the one with some really bad behavorial problems. I will never get another cat because of this. It just makes me so angry and heart-broken. I've cried many, many tears over this problem and I don't see any improvement in that cat. He continues to pee in my houses. He continues to ruin things. He has peed his last innapropiate pee. If he does it one more time, he must go. I am done giving him chances and letting him do these horrible things to my houses/furniture.

Anyway, this is my last cry for help. Does anyone have anymore ideas/suggestions for me? Is this as common as the vets keep telling me it is? If Minion does have to go away, will my other cat, Miss Mindy, be able to handle being an only cat? They are really bonded and really adore each other. I'm just so sad and confused.

03-02-2006, 08:58 AM
You say "the litter box". Do you have one litter box for two cats? Each cat should have a minimum of one litter box each that is scooped twice a day, and two is better. Mine have three each and they are scooped at least twice a day. If he is having to share a litter box with Miss Mindy, he may well not like it The fact that they are friends will not alter that fact. He could be not urinating as often as he needs to because he doesn't want to use the box. That can lead to UTI's. The Cat Attract didn't work for me, in fact the cats avoided all the boxes I sprinkled it over (I was testing it for my vet) and all crowded into the one without it.

Have you tried medication? One of my cats is on Clovicalm, but there are a lot of other options. Some cats are put on Prozac or its derivatives, and some are given Valium. The medications do take some weeks to start working. Can you isolate him in a bedroom well covered in plastic until the medication kicks in?

Please try to find a no-kill shelter for Minion.

03-02-2006, 09:05 AM
I assume Minion is neutered? I am sure he is, just checking.

Sounds like it was just the infection this time. On how to prevent it again, maybe you need to add something else.

There are now cranberry treats for cats on the market - ask your vet if that might help. Cranberries are supposed to be great for preventing UTI's in humans(and treating them too).

Also - there are a couple of great urine deodorizers around, which you might want to use where Minion has peed.

I'm sure he will be ok, once he is over this bout.


03-02-2006, 09:10 AM

they did find a small trace of blood in his urine so he's now on antibiotics.

I DO hope the antibiotics work and the peeing stops, for Minion's sake.

First off, you canNOT reason with an animal. You may FEEL you're having a talk with him about this problem, but all he hears is "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH".

How old is Minion now?? Is he declawed?? How many litterboxes do you have?? If you only have 1 for the 2 cats, get another one. Is your house all on one level?? If not, try placing litterboxes in other areas. If the litterbox you have you've had for a while, replace it. I've had to do that simply because plastic can retain urine smell after years of use.

I'm so sorry you're having this problem. I know how frustrating it is. Putting Minion outside after he's been indoors all these years, I'm afraid is a bad move not to mention cruel. He won't understand. How about a compromise of indoor/outdoor??? Have a kitty door installed in your back door so he can get in and out.

Please don't get me wrong. There are HUNDREDS of cats in shelters with the same issues. No one is going to adopt a cat with litterbox problems.

And please, don't anyone bash me for saying this. But after every single measure has been taken to find out the problem to no avail, I'd rather humanely euthanize my cat than send him to a shelter for a life behind bars, KNOWING that no one is going to want to adopt him.

I do hope you find a solution to your problem. Minion is a beautiful cat and I know how much you love him. I love you, Les. I am not trying to make things anymore difficult than they already are. I'm just trying to help you find a solution or compromise to a very difficult problem.

Keep us posted.

03-02-2006, 09:11 AM
I am going through a very similar problem right now, only I take my own actions and his health into consideration and dopn't blame the cat. The majority of peeing problems can be remedied through problem solving: why is he doing it? Is it because his litterbox isn't up to his standards? Is it an underlying health problem more than an UTI? When my Pouncer kept peeing and the vet saw no crystals but did see blood, he had chronic cystitis and it took months of steroids and antibitoics to clear it up. We actually have to go back for a recheck next week.... someone has been peeing around here and he's suspect #1.

When my Allen was peeing it was because he thought his box needed to be scooped more than once a day. He also did NOT like the perfumy litter, so I replaced the Fresh Step with an unscented litter. Then he started peeing because we added a second cat but not a second litterbox. Truthfully, two cats need 3 litterboxes, somethign I thought sounded absurd until I added my 3rd box and then I wondered why I was so stubborn about adding that 3rd box.

Allen also peed this past fall because he was mad at me for closing off "his" room when my son went off to college. He peed on anything and everything for two weeks. Then it dawned on us that the peeing coincided with my son leaving and we opened the bedroom door...... and the peeing stopped immediately. He just wanted his room back!

All it takes is a little detective work to find out why your cat pees. Allen sitll pees, but only in a laundry basket... and shame on me for leaving it out. I know thats what he does, and I should take away the temptation when its at all possible.

03-02-2006, 09:39 AM

How old is Minion now?? Is he declawed?? How many litterboxes do you have?? If you only have 1 for the 2 cats, get another one. Is your house all on one level?? If not, try placing litterboxes in other areas. If the litterbox you have you've had for a while, replace it. I've had to do that simply because plastic can retain urine smell after years of use.

I'm so sorry you're having this problem. I know how frustrating it is. Putting Minion outside after he's been indoors all these years, I'm afraid is a bad move not to mention cruel. He won't understand. How about a compromise of indoor/outdoor??? Have a kitty door installed in your back door so he can get in and out.

Please don't get me wrong. There are HUNDREDS of cats in shelters with the same issues. No one is going to adopt a cat with litterbox problems.

And please, don't anyone bash me for saying this. But after every single measure has been taken to find out the problem to no avail, I'd rather humanely euthanize my cat than send him to a shelter for a life behind bars, KNOWING that no one is going to want to adopt him.

I do hope you find a solution to your problem. Minion is a beautiful cat and I know how much you love him. I love you, Les. I am not trying to make things anymore difficult than they already are. I'm just trying to help you find a solution or compromise to a very difficult problem.

Keep us posted.

Thanks, Donna and everyone. I miss you and your gang, Donna, how are you all?

Minion was estimated to be between 5-7 when I found him, but I didn't think he was quite that old by his playful, energetic personality. I think he was about 3-4 when I found him, making him around 6 or 7 now I guess. He is declawed, he was a declawed stray when I found him (for those of you who don't know how I happened upon this kitty, his last owners moved out without him at my old apartment complex).

They have one big litterbox. It's a real huge one, and I use Swheat Scoop litter. I've had 2 litter boxes in the litter box closet but they won't touch the second one. I'll put it back in and just keep it there I guess.

I live in a ranch home, so there's no basement to put the litter boxes in. I can't leave litter boxes around the house because my dog, Kersey, eats cat poop. She waits til we are away or asleep and chows down on the tootsie rolls. I can't have that. The litterbox (soon to be litter boxes) is in our furnace room, with a little kitty door getting in there.

I agree here. Because Minion is so loyal and completely devoted and such a momma's boy, I could't do this to him. As much as he loves going outside and doing his laps around our beautiful backyard, he loves to come back in after his yard patrol, and have a serious cuddle session. This is the reason why dumping him at a shelter is not an option for me. I'd rather euthanize him then put him threw the heartbreak of another person dumping him. He's afraid of new people. He would not show well. IF by slim chance he got adopted, he'd end up doing the same thing, and ending up in the same circumstance. For his own sake, I can't do that to him. I love him too much.

Thanks, Donna, thanks everyone. For those of you who don't know me, I used to be around this site quite a bit and I truly love my pets. They are not pets, they are my children. This is the first time I've ever had an animal that I'm considering euthanizing for reasons other then to end suffering. Minion was the first cat I've loved, it was love at first site for the both of us. We're best friends, Minion and I, and this is the hardest thing I've ever had to even think about doing. Not only is MiniMin a gorgeous cat, he's truly got a beautiful spirit. He's my heart cat threw and threw.

03-02-2006, 09:59 AM
I hear that Feli Way helps.

03-02-2006, 10:11 AM
I hear that Feli Way helps.

I had heard that too, but I've gone threw 2 bottles in the past couple years and it never helped with him. It was expensive stuff, too. I decided after the last bottle that I won't buy it again since it didn't stop him from peeing. Thanks for the suggestions! Keep 'em coming if you have 'em!!! :)

03-02-2006, 11:28 AM
Catnapper has a similar post. You may want to read what I wrote. One thing maybe I didn't emphasize enough was how well my picking up Onyx and taking her to the litterbox every couple of hours so she didn't have accidents in between is what really helps. And if I stop, then the accidents start again. (Not right away, but within a few days or a week.) I don't know what your schedule is like but if you are not able to do that every couple of hours, confine Minion to a room while you are gone -- a room you don't mind having accidents in if it comes to that. (Better than a whole house.) I think after a while of taking Minion to the litterbox every couple hours, you will get in the habit without thinking twice about it anymore and if that's what it takes to save your relationship with Minion, then it will be worth it. I sincerely hope something like this helps!

03-02-2006, 11:37 AM
I can't leave litter boxes around the house because my dog, Kersey, eats cat poop. She waits til we are away or asleep and chows down on the tootsie rolls.

Alexa and I came up with a solution to this because we had the same problem with Payson. All you need is one of those giant rubbermaid tubs (they run around $10) from target. We added a littermat to the top of it to help some of the litter from spreading around. Payson can not get into this, he will stick his head in the top and whine because he can't reach the bottom. He has now finally learned that no matter how hard he tries the poop is going to stay in the box.


03-02-2006, 11:42 AM
Maybe having more litterboxes will help too.

Regarding the post above, we had the same problem with our RB Holly. She ate the tootsie rolls any chance she got. Hubby made this plywood L-shaped frame and put it in a corner so there was no access for Holly. It was about 4 feet high so she could not jump in it. And he cut a hole at the bottom just big enough for the cats to walk in and out. Worked like a charm !!! (We don't have it anymore as both our dogs have passed on.)

03-02-2006, 11:44 AM
I really do feel for you. I had a cat (or two) that peed on my toothbrush repeatedly and on on a small TV until it no longer worked. Vet work showed no problems.

I used an enzyme cleaner every time I could and eventually the peeing stopped. I always have a gallon of Simple Solution Cat Spray and Urine remover on hand. I'm generous with the amount I use and even wipe down hard surfaces with it.

Could Minion be upset about some minor change in the house?

03-02-2006, 01:06 PM
Our Yoshi is the pee-boy in our house. He was born feral, so we don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.

Cats DO NOT like change what-so-ever. Have you changed anything in your house? Your routine? Are you having work done in or around your house? The place of the litterboxes? etc.

I was told that cats pee because they are 1) unhappy or 2) have a health issue (UTI). You do have to play dective and find out what the problem was or is. It may be something simple (to us not to them) or you really have to know your cat.

Yoshi do not like any sort of change at all. He will pee if I am gone too long during the day (I don't work, so I am home with them all day). He will also pee when we go on vacation, have workmen come in. He is extremly sensitive to me, he knows if I am not feeling well, and that upsets him, so yes, he pees :rolleyes:

We have him on medication, and I'm proud to say that it has been working, he does have set backs, but we learn to deal with them.......Yoshi and his brothers are my children too. Would you put a child to sleep because they have a deformity or mental issues? Of course not! So please, talk with your vet and do something for your poor kitty......he is trying to tell you something and you are not listening!

Also, PLEASE do not put a declawed cat outside, you will only be asking for MORE problems! If you feel like you do not have the time or paticence to work with him, please find him a good home or a no-kill shelter, I beg of you NOT to put him to sleep over this issue!!

03-02-2006, 01:43 PM
I am sorry that you are facing this problem. I know all about the frustrations connected with it. And the dilemmas. :(

Lets start by asking how far did the medical treatment go?
-Was there a COMPLETE urinalysis? testing not only for blood, but crystals etc.
-Were there any blood tests? diabetes, kidney, even thyroid problems can lead to the need to urinate excessively. Sometimes the cat simply cannot reach the litter box, or associates the box with the pain from the UTI or crystals.
-x-ray, to see if bladder stones are present. My Rutherford had stones but NO crystals, and the irritaion they caused the bladder must have been painful.

Besides antibiotics, have you tried any medication? If he eliminates inappropriately due to stress, a medication that relieves stress might help.

Now, I can't help you keep the dog away from the cat poop, but I can say that 1 litter box for 2 cats is asking for trouble. Cat's don't know how to "wait in line", so if one is occupied, well, the next best spot might just be the floor.

Also, some cats simply will not pee and poop in the same box, so if there is already a poop in the box, then the floor will simply have to do.

I once considered having my PRECIOUS Y.Lee cat euthanized due to innapropriate peeing. I was 100% certain that it was a behavioral problem. The onset occured simultaneoously with the addition of a new cat to the home. Turns out he had diabetes, and could not hold his urine. Moral is = don't assume it can't be stopped. Both my Sterling and Jim are on amitriptylin to stop territorial spraying. It works about 95%, I'd say.

You may not be able to stop it 100%, but I hope you can control it to the extent that you can live with it. After all, we all have accidents, and we all make mistakes.

BEST! of luck.

Mad Mags Moo
03-02-2006, 03:24 PM
I hear that Feli Way helps.

Have you tried the infuser version of Feliway? It is a plug in and works continously for 4 weeks. I have it for my cats and it seems to work...until wee Bubs gets her cystitis, she has got that at moment and we have to try and get a sample of pee from her! She pees outside but when she pees inside she just pees where there is newspaper lying or against the skirting...very annoying! I have 2 litter boxes for 2 cats They get scooped daily and changed completely every 2 days or so but I don't have enough room for another one or to shut Bubs in a room (think that would make her worse!)
Sorry to hear that you are having problems, can't be much help sorry! I am sure all the guys here will give you excellent advice :)

03-02-2006, 09:47 PM
Alexa and I came up with a solution to this because we had the same problem with Payson. All you need is one of those giant rubbermaid tubs (they run around $10) from target. We added a littermat to the top of it to help some of the litter from spreading around. Payson can not get into this, he will stick his head in the top and whine because he can't reach the bottom. He has now finally learned that no matter how hard he tries the poop is going to stay in the box.


That's so funny! What a great idea! Unfortunately, my Kersey, the big goof ball that she is, would still get in in less then 2 minutes :) You'd not believe how much this dog loves cat poo. She truly needed to detox when I moved the box into a closet that she absolutely can't get into. My poor Kersey needs a 12 step program.

Anyway, about MiniMin, his urine was tested for both blood and crystals. He didn't have blood work this time, but he has had it about 5 months ago and it was normal. He doesn't seem in pain at all, he's very happy and does zoomies around the back yard when he's feeling extra spunky. He really seems amazingly happy, which makes me feel even worse about the whole thing.

I put the other spare box in his litter box closet, as well as temporarely blocked off the spot where I know he peed. We're also letting him go in the backyard to play as often as he wants now, even when it's dark out. Before I discovered he had been peeing on the carpet, he was only allowed outside when it was light out and it was easy to spot him and find him. Now he can go out whenever he wants when we're home. He still only spends about 1 hour at most outside at a time, but we're hoping that with the prayers, antibiotics, second litter box, that he'll get the hint.

Thanks so much for your help. All of you. I really needed advise, support with him.

03-02-2006, 10:07 PM

Maybe being an indoor/outdoor cat will solve the peeing problem. I hope so for everyone involved. ;) Keep us posted.

03-03-2006, 12:47 AM
Hi Leslie!
I am so sorry to hear you are having trouble with MinMin!
I think everyone has good ideas. Not sure if I can add anymore to it but I do support you and I KNOW you are a fabulous CatMom! :)
{{hugs to all}}

03-03-2006, 05:49 AM
Leslie, please don’t get discouraged if the antibiotics don’t work right away.
When my female had bloody urine due to a urinary infection it took a second and longer dosage of stronger antibiotics to completely get rid of it.
I hope your vet can figure out the reason for his peeing, or you might want to consider a second opinion. If it’s a behavior problem the vet should discuss medical treatment as well.
Anyway, nice to see you post again.
How are Graham and Kersey?
And who is Mindy?

03-03-2006, 08:10 AM
Leslie, please don’t get discouraged if the antibiotics don’t work right away.
When my female had bloody urine due to a urinary infection it took a second and longer dosage of stronger antibiotics to completely get rid of it.
I hope your vet can figure out the reason for his peeing, or you might want to consider a second opinion. If it’s a behavior problem the vet should discuss medical treatment as well.
Anyway, nice to see you post again.
How are Graham and Kersey?
And who is Mindy?

Graham and Kersey are good, although Graham's going to be turning 12 on May 3rd and he's gotten rather grumpy in his old age. He never used to growl but now he's just an old grouch. I've really been concerned about that, especially since we're trying to have a baby now. But that's a whole other issue. They're doing good, though.

Miss Mindy is my most adorable little kitty that I got as a friend for MiniMin. I always thought animals are typically happier in pairs, and the shelter that Donna (moosmom) volunteered at had over 200 cats. I decided to go with Donna and see if I can't find myself a kitten...enter Miss Mindy. She's a doll, she's just the cutest thing ever. Every time I look at her little face, I giggle....she's just got one of those most adorable little faces I've ever seen. July 28th marks her 3 year gotcha day. Welcome, Mindy (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=31240)

And here are both the kitties together on the hubby's suitcase telling him not to leave :)


Thanks for the help, everyone. Sofar, MiniMin hasn't peed outside his box, but it's been just a couple days. Either the second box is working, or the antibiotics, or both. Lets hope he keeps up the good work.

03-03-2006, 08:37 AM
Good news on Minmin's progress. Keeping fingers crossed!


03-03-2006, 11:37 AM
I hope this helps Leslie.
If not I urge you to give the Pet Psychic that Kimmy used for Kia and I used for Kylie a try. She's fabulous.

03-03-2006, 06:22 PM
We had a major problem with Raven(COTD 12/9/04)peeing outside the box. Although we have 8 cats, we have about 10(it is so hard to keep track)litterboxes. There are 5 in the laundry room, 1 in the front bathroom, 2 in the tub in the hall bathroom(no one uses the tub), 2 in the cat room, and 1 in the master bath(a ranch house). They are cleaned twice a day and whenever necessary. The litter(a mix of clay and clumping)is refreshed/changed weekly. The litter boxes are pristine!! Despite this, Raven was peeing ALL over. UTI was ruled out. I had a heart to heart talk with Raven. I told her that he peeing all over the house did not make me happy and she had 2 weeks to get it together. I told her there was several options. I told her about being put to sleep(the FINAL option). We can to an agreement. If Barry or I were home when she used the box and she was a "GOOD GIRL," she would get a treat(a piece of dry food). Well, Raven has been a " GOOD GIRL " since July, 2001. She evens lets us know if we are not in the kitchen(she makes such a racket scratching the side of the litterbox), and we asked " where do GOOD GIRLS go?" and she will walk us up to the cabinet where the treats are kept. We make a big deal, and so far, Raven has not missed using the box, even when she has been ill from the kidney disease. Maybe this might work with your boy. Postive reinforcement did the trick!

03-03-2006, 09:25 PM
I hope this helps Leslie.
If not I urge you to give the Pet Psychic that Kimmy used for Kia and I used for Kylie a try. She's fabulous.

Please PM me her info. I've never thought about doing something like that, but heck, it's worth a try! Thanks :)