View Full Version : Awwwe my babies are just too cute....

04-19-2002, 02:28 PM
I had to run home and give dh the car and keys... when we were leaving, putting on the seatbelt, dh looks up and Max and Pepper are sitting on the furnace heater along the wall (it's covered in wood, so it just gets nice and warm) and looking out the window at us... *awwwwwe*. Watched us drive away....

*sigh* sometimes they just make my heart melt....

Former User
04-19-2002, 02:32 PM
Awwww, they must have looked so cute! :)

04-19-2002, 02:55 PM
Dh wanted to run in and get the camera *lol* and take a picture. I was late getting back to work so I told him noooo LOL

04-19-2002, 02:56 PM
It would be hard to leave all that cutiness! I know it's hard for me if I see one of them peeking out a window at me and I'm going off somewhere. (Or maybe they were checking to make sure you were going so they could start the PARTY!):)

04-19-2002, 06:14 PM
Awww...they are sweet sometimes, aren't they??:D I especially like it when I see mine looking out the window when I come home, and then am greeted at the door by my baby!!!
It is hard to resist, especially when they look so forlorn...not to mention outright adorable! :rolleyes: LOL