View Full Version : How sad is this :( The person we got our cats from....

04-19-2002, 02:26 PM
I talked to the gal today we got the cats from (well we got them from her mom). She was saying our cats are the most well adjusted out of like 12 cats!
She was saying the 6 she had, all but *one* had to be taken to the pound!! They hated humans, they wouldnt eat, wouldnt use the litter box. They hissed at the humans, they hissed at each other, they fought horribley.
SCARY thing is these kittens were raised by humans (where as my 3 had no human contact until us). :( How sad is that?

Her mom still hasnt gotten rid of the other tortie nor has it been fixed ;( I just dont understand people...
These cats have no human contact, no nothing. Im not even sure how they eat b/c by the sounds of it they had *no* human contact, including food.

04-19-2002, 03:36 PM
Oh how distressing ... I'm so glad your three are happy and adjusting well to your home. It amazes me how some people think -- well, stike that, how some people DON'T think.

{{{Max, Milo, and Pepper Ann}}}

04-20-2002, 08:35 AM
Rachel that is just so sad - be so glad your three have such a loving and forever home:)
Nose kisses to Max, Milo and PepperAnn xxxxxxx
