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  1. sasha went to the vet
  2. Nebo's face is swollen
  3. Itchy Dog HELP! *QUESTION*
  4. My dog limps after she wakes up.
  5. Neutering & Weight gain
  6. Shedding
  7. Aneko had a seizure or a stroke last night :(
  8. oscar puking all the time
  9. Lick wounds
  10. Poor Nala :((
  11. Pray For Bruno
  12. Cincy
  13. Dogs with SAS?
  14. Deadly Distemper Outbreak in L.A
  15. Vaccinations in UK
  16. nutrition
  17. Snoring
  18. pekinese rescued from previous owner
  19. Tesoro's Cancer: Need Advice
  20. Does any one have Recipes?
  21. Cinder: Has "Conjunctivitis" in one eye...
  22. Kia is full of....
  23. Old remedy for mange
  24. Riley to the vet
  25. Dirtnap at Vet's - Arthritis?
  26. Can Someone
  27. Dogs' sudden weight loss and lethargy
  28. Kia to the Vet
  29. Abscess in anal sac
  30. Old Lab water problems
  31. Great website for help
  32. Ricky Update
  33. Jada's toenail...help!!!
  34. my dog ate some fudge
  35. Elvis is going to be neutered......
  36. heartwork medicine
  37. Two Subjects I have questions about
  38. she's better
  39. swollen glands
  40. Two of my babies are at the vet's
  41. Cicadas
  42. Cushings disease-pituitary dependent!
  43. Is spaying the right thing to do???
  44. Cruciate Surgery
  45. Sue, Killian and Shiloh
  46. What are the signs to look for?
  47. Has anyone used this food?
  48. Plague Affecting New Mexico
  49. It's Katie..
  50. teeth removed, no food problems so far
  51. Dog Food and Ear Infection?
  52. Simba.......
  53. Regis
  54. Proheart6 injectable causing dog deaths?
  55. How to know if a dog is in pain?
  56. Our Murphy (long)
  57. My Cody's in SirJury
  58. sore nose
  59. Ricky is going back to Vets
  60. hamsters are cool
  61. Maggie got bit!!??
  62. I think Jake has a cataract
  63. Little Miss Lumpy Ear
  64. Killian's vet visit :(
  65. From the ASPCA Poison Control Center/Please read
  66. Gigi's teeth problem
  67. Bear is getting neutered tomorrow
  68. Rex
  69. Feeding our dogs.
  70. Diabetes
  71. Do you think dogs get seasonal affect disorder?
  72. Rex
  73. Oscar is at the Vet's Tonight
  74. Acupuncture?
  75. Kia to the white coats
  76. Dog Shot
  77. I need help...
  78. Help! doggy feet
  79. urinary incontinence in dogs
  80. Vitamins/supplements for minimizing itching?
  81. Constant urination by female dog.
  82. What does "Senior " dog mean?
  83. Fleas...
  84. What r scabies???????????help!!!
  85. Nikki has leg problems. Prayer needed,
  86. Neutering question
  87. uh oh, food stealer.
  88. My Yorkie ate a chicken bone.
  89. Has anyone ever tried NRG dog food?
  90. Reggie and Sydney to the vet
  91. undercoats...
  92. Rex is limping, no cause found yet, prayers needed.
  93. Got Chester's results in the mail today
  94. Gigi is throwing up again. :(
  95. My hounds and mosquitoes
  96. puppy bellies.
  97. toenails - is this weird?
  98. heat stroke..
  99. neutered male's testicles
  100. Not clotting well...
  101. Cold?
  102. What happens when you put Frontline on a dog who already has ticks?
  103. Cocker with swelling under chin
  104. Baby ate a whole thing of Invermectin!!!
  105. Oreo's lab results: nerve sheath tumor
  106. Elvis has been throwing up :(
  107. urinary incontinence and scalding warts
  108. Glucosamine/Chondroitin pills?
  109. flea control...............
  110. Rocky going to the vet tomarrow.
  111. Max, the Holistic Vet and a Question
  112. Any idea about seizures?
  113. Swollen under eye
  114. Pepsi has lost her zest for life
  115. goop in one eye
  116. Dog revived with CPR from his human!!
  117. A trip to the white coats-Good Results
  118. Katie has a bum knee
  119. yikes! poor poor Happy!
  120. Gigi is not feeling well again.
  121. Bandit not doing well
  122. Re: What is the normal size of the lymph/gland under the dogs jaw
  123. Skin trouble...
  124. Important,, Health Alert!!!!
  125. Which one?
  126. Ringworm Treatment
  127. Major Hair Loss...help!!
  128. cracking jaw.....
  129. Oreo's 2nd surgery is Fri.
  130. I'm worried about Holly.....
  131. Lacey has a torn ligament!
  132. Ate earphone foam
  133. Oh my gosh!
  134. Dashund very strange behaviour
  135. diabetes
  136. MRI for domestic pets opens at N.C. State
  137. Senior Dogs ??
  138. Diet
  139. Jada needs to gain some weight!!
  140. Am Worried
  141. Tony is waaay too thin.
  142. You won't believe it
  143. My 4 year old dog finally got neutered
  144. I've got two sick puppies (flu-like symptoms).
  145. proheart6 recalled (it's about time)
  146. breathing.
  147. Update on Nina and her seizure episodes!!!
  148. Seborrhea
  149. We have a problem with Duke...
  150. Veggies n' fruits
  151. Great doggie treat recipes site!
  152. Help with blood in stools
  153. Elvis is having problems with his leg/knee...
  154. Spaying Advice?
  155. MHmama how is Ricky doing???
  156. Poor Cincy :(
  157. paw biting
  158. dog food - can vs bag
  159. need help with cancer dx
  160. Really Bad Night
  161. Yogurt
  162. Katie Had Her Cast Removed!!
  163. Prayer request for Killian again
  164. Calorie content or fat content????
  165. ear mites ad mange-friends dog
  166. Worried about Lucy.. shes sick
  167. Jada saw the whitecoat today!!!
  168. Update on Cincy
  169. Unnecessary Vet Bills???
  170. Gray young Man
  171. Muscle Soreness
  172. Can Anyone Help Figure This Out? Please
  173. Shiloh has Hip Dysplasia
  174. My Furbabies
  175. Shelby's Tumor
  176. day 4 Of B.A.R.F Diet
  177. Yeast Infections In Ears
  178. So Many Beautifull Firkids Here !!!!
  179. Smokey's Not Feeling Well
  180. peeing problem
  181. EMERGENCY! Can you help Sandler?
  182. Panosteitis
  183. Link to site about dog allergies, some good reading.
  184. Another Cincy update
  185. Worried
  186. Pet Massage
  187. Bladder Infection?
  188. I think Buddy has demodectic mange!
  189. Some great Links
  190. Arthritis/Hip Problems...Help!!
  191. Kia developing neurological problems?? :(
  192. What could be causing this?? :(
  193. Abbey's vet visit
  194. Rough couple of days with our Murphy, but we're ok
  195. A Quick Question
  196. Excessive shedding
  197. Sickk
  198. Chocolatepuppy, how is Lacey getting on?
  199. cranberry for UTI?
  200. redness & itching.....help please....
  201. incontinance
  202. Cataracts
  203. Prayers Needed:
  204. Heidi has a small cut on her leg
  205. Air licking?
  206. Rimadyl
  207. belle was spayed
  208. flaky nose
  209. Scooby almost ate XMAS Present!!!
  210. Maggie's Spay Delayed
  211. Raustyk's having kidney trouble
  212. Back from the vet w/ Raustyk
  213. X-rays &/or ultrasound for possible lymphoma &/or kidney disease
  214. Dog Insurance - a poll
  215. Spinal Cord Injury Help
  216. Question about Spaying
  217. Raustyk is doing better
  218. Kennel Cough in Min Pin
  219. Maggie Ate A Plastic Fork
  220. ok cunfused about odd injureys...
  221. How to give CPR to a dog
  222. Junior is not wanting to eat...
  223. Treats
  224. black gums on labrador
  225. Rescue Remedy???
  226. accident and attack left with crushed rear
  227. dogs temperture
  228. Nebo and his digestive problems
  229. Maggie gets spayed tomorrow
  230. Cleaning a dogs ears?
  231. I hate Bloat :( i euthanized my dog. sooo sad.
  232. Cold weather question
  233. Problem with my lab
  234. Lexi Ate Something...Is It Bad...
  235. Husky mix with major skin problems
  236. older dog health
  237. Synovi supplements
  238. Five-legged dog need your help.
  239. Tail Problemo!
  240. My Lab Lost Her Litter :( Are There Any Puppies Out There That Need A Surrage Mom?
  241. My dog maybe constipated?
  242. Athritis
  243. Reading up on food and ?
  244. Tori may have urinary tract infection...
  245. sick pup?
  246. Lexi's Accidents
  247. dachshund back surgery
  248. dachshund back surgery
  249. Picky Eater
  250. Dog Bladder Infection