Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Saul, the Pet of the Day
Name: Saul
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Kind: Blue Tongue Skink
Home: Michigan, USA
   This is Saul, the Blue Tongue Skink. Saul is actually my twin sister's friend Sydney's lizard (who is also my friend as well) and the lizard stays at our house. My sister refers to Saul as her roommate since the lizard is not our actual pet, we know he belongs to Sydney. He is the first lizard to live in our house. We had gone to a reptile expo in Ohio and Syd always wanted a Skink (his breed of lizard). And there he was. She fell in love with him when she first saw him. She held him the whole time at the expo, and then asked if we would be able to keep him at our house. And we agreed.

    Skinks can eat a range of food; cooked chicken, vegetables, fruit, eggs and even cat food. He does interact with us. When my sister takes him, she puts him in the hood of her sweatshirt. He'll pop out and rest against her neck or even wrap around it. He will react to the tone of voice. If your voice is calm and soothing he'll be relaxed. If you are fearful he'll sense that fear, but really there is no reason for anyone to ever be afraid of Saul!

Saul, the Pet of the Day
Saul, the Pet of the Day

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