Pet of the Day

October 3, 2004

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Bianca, the Pet of the Day
Name: Bianca
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Paso Fino Horse
Home: Plant City, Florida, USA
   Bianca is a registered Paso Fino. Bianca is special because she is my best friend. Two years ago, she had colic because of a displaced colon and had to have surgery and barely pulled through. She spent fourteen days in the hospital, and I was with her every day. Since that time, she has grown extra special to me.

    She is now healthy and back to her self. Her favorite treats are Nicker Makers - she will chase you around and nuzzle your pocket to try to get them! She is very sweet to people, but is definitely the boss mare. She has a paddock mate Jochi who she loves to boss around. Bianca loves to load in her trailer and go visit her horse friends to go trail riding. She is very special.

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